100 Fore Street | Portland


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Jun 20, 2006
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Five story building to include a three-level, 539-space parking garage and 82,400 square feet of office space. Construction began early 2019.

This actually looks much better than the few previous black and white renderings I've seen.
It looks really smart and sleek now that the glass panels are going on, and this building stands out a lot more than I had initially thought. It's very reminiscent of the WEX building.

Anyone know whether the office space is leased?
Wex sales support and Accounting are moving into the space as soon asap...Operations will be out in Scarborough.
So we can now say that WEX headquarters is actually a two building complex with enclosed parking and I wonder if WEX signage will eventually adorn the new building?
From tonight's Economic Development workshop:

The Roux Institute will be utilizing 26,000 sq. Ft of space at 100 fore St. For it's temporary campus through 2023-2024.
I like this building. It looks quite sleek from the water side, and is broken up into different sections because of its placement within the side of the hill. The balconies on the water side have great views, with sheltering above. The only concern I have is for the Institute itself, its original mission. The majority of the nation's big or key universities and colleges are heavily influenced with their curriculums by corporations. Harvard has over 100 private stem cell scientists working within its new billion dollar science center. Things like this are happening all over the higher education environment. The concept certainly implied that this would also function as a kind of working lab, a place to foster new ideas. Yes, new ideas for WEX, perhaps. But beggars can't be choosy. (Is that a gangplank in the lower right corner? One big enough for a small cruise ship, or big yacht?)
That gangplank was probably delivered to the Fore Points Marina and was waiting to be installed back in April when Corey took the photo.
Not sure we’d seen this part on fore street preview. Just walked by . Looks great

Is it just me or does the WEX annex look more impressive the actual WEX headquarters a block away? Maybe it's the more prominent position on the hill and a little more height.
Those are some good happy hour entertaining decks. Perfect positioning for harbor views.
