40 Rugg Road | Allston

6/23 (I’m not sure I captured how big this is)

Oh wow, the place I used to sometimes rehearse at still stands. That was quite the place.
a fellow Denby st. alum?

that place (now a bio/med/something - of course) was an absolute shit-hole, but definitely had some fun times there.
This thread is suddenly giving me Noise board vibes
ah, the noiseboard...

t max really did the community, his magazine, and himself a disservice by screwing over the girl who had been running that thing. went from the most trafficed, vibrant space to a ghost-town in less than a week.

i miss it b/c that was where i used to go whenever it was like "i wonder if there are any good shows tonight/this weekend/whatever." now, that's the one and only reason i go on assbook -- and with folks departing that platform in droves it's... IG i guess?
Looks like someone folded time and space and instantly transported us from Allston to Greystar in Everett.

I kid though. I lived in a new 5 over 1 a few years ago after living in Hudson Yards and honestly, it was perfectly fine. Lifeless outside aesthetic, but the apartments were quite nice.
