Archboston Meetup, Friday Oct. 19th, 6:30 p.m. - ?

commuter guy

Active Member
Feb 1, 2007
Reaction score
We are planning a meetup Friday, Oct. 19, 6:30 p.m. at J.J. Foley's in Downtown Crossing. If your interested save the date and please join us. J.J. Foley's is located on Kingston St. more or less behind Macy's Dept. Store. If your coming feel free to private message me and I will give you my cell phone # so you can track us down that night.
As of right now, Beton Brut, Briv and myself figured out a date that would work for all of us. The more that join the merrier.
Ooohh hmmm I may or may not be in town.....haven't been to Foley's in a good five years. Well if I'm around I'll go!
I have been a long time lurker, and only recently registered, but I would like to attend.
You guys are always doing these official meetups when I have work. Eh, screw it, I'm finding someone to cover me. I'm in.
I have long followed a separation of my online persona and real life. But I think I might actually change my mind here...
I might go. I work very early in the morning.. depends on how tired I am Friday after work and if I want to wait at work (I get out at 4).

Of course, like others I'd be giving up my internet anonymity, but I've been using this screen name online since 1990, so by now people should know who I am.
Should I just go to the group lamenting that tonights earthquake didn't destroy any of the following:

one marina park drive
The new dainty dot
anything proposed by Druker?
Looking forward to seeing/meeting everyone tonight. I've had a few people private message me to indicate they are planning on attending so we should have a fairly good crowd. I'm coming straight from work and will be there at 6:30. I'll be wearing khaki's and a blue and white striped collared dress shirt if it helps anyone identify us.
Amusing thought (for me), it's too bad Whighlander disappeared. Seeing Matthew indicating he might come, I would pay harder than Fry with a fist full of money to see those two in the same room. Mark too, but I think the entire bar will probably and collectively smash him.
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I'm no fun to be around these days, but if I end up at the Tam after work and decide to keep the good times going, I might make it.
I'll be there...maybe 6:30, maybe later, but I'll be there.
Sorry folks.. hellish day at work.. too exhausted to go, have fun, let me know when the next one is and I'll try to make it.
I'll be there, probably around 7, but how will I recognize any of you?
And my 2 pm bus out of NYC is only at Hartford...
Ron and others we are seated at second booth to left when you walk in the front door
Sorry to bail on you folks so early, but next time could we please pick a place where we don't have to yell at each other to be heard?
