Here are the numbers that I have been able to find on the DNA lofts Sale/Auction. Some decent buys in there for home ownership but I don'd see rental units at these prices.
Unit Sq Ft Sale Date Sales Price SP Per Sq Ft Approx condo fee
1 997 3/19/2010 $269,000 270 $370
2 1064 3/12/2009 $397,000 373 $395
3 1353 5/27/2011 $365,000 270 $503
4 1,361 - $506
5 1360 5/25/2011 $360,000 265 $505
6 1,148 - $426
7 1,648 - $645
8 1277 3/5/2010 $345,000 270 $474
9 1,112 - $446
10 1,238 - $460
11 1,287 - $511
12 1,178 - $471
13 894 12/1/2011 $216,000 242 $332
14 786 - $292
15 651 1/5/2012 $186,000 286 $242
16 1,052 - $391
17 1,168 11/22/2011 $244,000 209 $467
18 1,215 - $485
19 764 11/4/2009 $229,000 300 $284
20 1,332 1/9/2012 $243,500 183 $528
21 1,237 12/30/2011 $251,000 203 $493
22 904 11/21/2011 $213,000 236 $336
23 786 11/18/2011 $207,000 263 $292
24 611 - $227
25 1,075 11/30/2011 $229,000 213 $399
26 577 - $214
27 875 - $325
28 983 3/10/2010 $250,000 254 $365
29 1,083 1/10/2012 $231,000 213 $402
30 904 2/27/2009 $325,000 360 $336
31 842 - $313
32 1,110 - $412
33 1,114 1/4/2012 $233,000 209 $414
34 972 12/30/2011 $209,900 216 $361
35 1144 7/31/2009 $349,000 305 $425
36 1192 9/22/2009 $345,000 289 $443
37 764 11/4/2009 $235,000 308 $284
38 1,332 - $528
39 1,237 12/13/2011 $261,650 212 $493
40 904 11/21/2011 $215,000 238 $369
41 786 $211,850 270 $292
42 655 12/1/2011 $218,850 334 $277
43 1,077 12/13/2011 $234,650 218 $433
44 577 6/30/2009 $150,000 260 $214
45 875 4/8/2009 $315,000 360 $325
46 983 4/30/2010 $260,000 264 $365
47 1,083 - $402
48 904 7/31/2009 $275,000 304 $336
49 831 3/5/2009 $305,000 367 $309
50 1,100 1/6/2012 $225,000 205 $409
51 1,114 $239,750 215 $414
52 972 5/21/2009 $350,640 361 $361
53 1,144 12/2/2011 $243,000 212 $458
54 1,192 - $476
55 764 7/29/2009 $260,000 340 $284
56 1,537 - $615
57 1,320 11/1/2011 $386,200 293 $490
58 1,057 - $437
59 911 - $338
Sorry for the poor looking chart but you get the idea. PM for an excel version with more info.