Gables Seaport (née Waterside Place 1B) | 505 Congress Street | Seaport


Active Member
Nov 14, 2014
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phase 1B LOI:

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Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Hm, this is interesting.

Waterside Place Phase 1B will be a new 21-story building of approximately 315,000 sf, containing 278 residential rental units, approximately 2,000 square feet of street-level retail space and a garage of 84 parking spaces.

Phase 1B was not supposed to have a tower. It was just supposed to be the Supermarket "butt" sticking out the back of the tower that was just built.

The original Waterside Place Phase 1 NPC letter, dated Nov 4, 2011 is here and describes the phasing of 1A and 1B:

Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Oh good this developer gets to fuck us again after the last turd popped out onto Congress Street. Great.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Oh good this developer gets to fuck us again after the last turd popped out onto Congress Street. Great.

Maybe we'll get a giant bottle to go with the bottle cap opener.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Maybe this one will be better I don't have a lot of hope but you never know.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

On the bright side, it will have 278 residential units.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

What about the grocery store component?
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

What about the grocery store component?

I've asked the BRA for clarification on this surprise tower instead of the grocery store. Awaiting a response.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

I've received clarification:

".@FortPointer A letter of intent to file NPC was submitted Mon for a residential bldg. Original plan was for retail "

Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

Inverse colors from the first tower? How trite.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

I guess you can say that the developer has consistent taste in architecture -- too bad.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

If it worked once ... it will work again ...right?

Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

WOW. This is going to undeniably be the ugliest building ever built in Boston. Good job.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

It kind of, sort of, almost resembles Watermark Seaport. Low hopes but glad the parcel will be filled in with something taller than what was originally planned. It is going to look odd, a white building next to a black building each with similar detailing. Maybe it will be renamed the Chess Block.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

I too hate their first building, but am I the only person here who doesn't think this newest proposal looks half bad?
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

I too hate their first building, but am I the only person here who doesn't think this newest proposal looks half bad?

Nope. 100% better than the communist-block white elephant they built the first time.
Re: Waterside Place | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

It kind of, sort of, almost resembles Watermark Seaport. Low hopes but glad the parcel will be filled in with something taller than what was originally planned. It is going to look odd, a white building next to a black building each with similar detailing. Maybe it will be renamed the Chess Block.

I agree. I think it looks like a black Watermark. I've never loved that building, but it's way, way better than Waterside Place 1A.

Also, the angle that really matters here is the narrow one from the bridge, and they haven't given us that.
