Mercy Hospital | 144 State Street | Portland

Why anyone would live in the soon to be renovated main structure with all those years of disease, pain, and death within, is beyond my comprehension. Although, I was born in this hospital, so maybe not that bad (for me).
Why anyone would live in the soon to be renovated main structure with all those years of disease, pain, and death within, is beyond my comprehension. Although, I was born in this hospital, so maybe not that bad (for me).
Well that's some heady metaphysical concept to ponder.
Why anyone would live in the soon to be renovated main structure with all those years of disease, pain, and death within, is beyond my comprehension. Although, I was born in this hospital, so maybe not that bad (for me).
My biggest question is - when will the "Ghost" stories begin?

Not confident they can clean up that exterior to get people to buy in. However, the townhomes next door that are being built, I would. Beautiful. Beauty and the beast, really.
For the record, my brother and myself are also Mercy babies. 😀 👶
Not confident they can clean up that exterior to get people to buy in. However, the townhomes next door that are being built, I would. Beautiful. Beauty and the beast, really.
The Mercy units are going to overlook the townhouses... the 1.5M townhouses are going to look at a wall of patched together old brick.
To be clear, the expensive townhouses are going to be built the next block over, facing Winter Street on one side and a currently empty parking lot on the back side (although it will likely be developed at some point).

The buildings that will go up along Winter Street opposite the new Mercy housing will be affordable housing. And based on the renderings and Redfern's track record I'm sure the development will be top notch and a great addition to the west end.
To be clear, the expensive townhouses are going to be built the next block over, facing Winter Street on one side and a currently empty parking lot on the back side (although it will likely be developed at some point).

The buildings that will go up along Winter Street opposite the new Mercy housing will be affordable housing. And based on the renderings and Redfern's track record I'm sure the development will be top notch and a great addition to the west end.
My bad
Ye of no faith!!! Working my tail off to make these pleasant units! Plus there’s a gym, coworking space and this killer 6th floor Community Space! ~ C

Looks amazing! What's your unit mix?
Unit Mix is mostly one bedrooms and studios. A few 2 Bedrooms.
Hey Guys - Anyone know where I can find historic photos of inside Mercy? Can't find any online. Let me know where we should be looking!
Try Maine Historical Society. But you will probably have to go there to scan them.
Hey Guys - Anyone know where I can find historic photos of inside Mercy? Can't find any online. Let me know where we should be looking!
I second checking with Maine Historical, they may have images they don't yet have online available. I know they have images from the nursing school associated with the Sisters of Mercy. I think there is still a small group of sisters in Portland too, they may have an archive. Kevin Bunker probably has a contact there.
Hey Guys - Anyone know where I can find historic photos of inside Mercy? Can't find any online. Let me know where we should be looking!

Maine Memory Network’s Mercy Hospital entry has a few pics that may interest you. Here’s a link to pictures of nurses at Mercy-

The following is a link to the Mercy Hospital entry-
I second checking with Maine Historical, they may have images they don't yet have online available. I know they have images from the nursing school associated with the Sisters of Mercy. I think there is still a small group of sisters in Portland too, they may have an archive. Kevin Bunker probably has a contact there.
Thank you so much!!!
