Two Financial Center

Miller?s life isn?t all about real estate, though it runs in the family and many of his friends are in the business. Miller, who declined to discuss his personal life but has three children, enjoys horseback riding in Milton and kicking back during summer visits to Martha?s Vineyard.

On the weekends Miller can occasionally be found with Barry Hynes (John Hynes? brother) tailgating at Boston College football games.

You know, he's really just a down-to-earth guy, a Joe the plumber you might say.
This building seems to fit into this neighborhood perfectly.
^Yeah like the 25 originally proposed! still a nice building that fits in well ,I look forward to when they remove the black cloth.
From that photo I'd give the building a C+. It isn't terrible but it isn't anything to write home about.
I'm really disappointed with the materials. The impression I got from the renderings was much better than the final product...but what should I have expected?
Last time I saw this building I thought the materials looked good (granted, the scrim was still covering everything)... about on par with 1330 Boylston, and the most recent photo reinforces that notion.
I like the materials ... It's definitely the Boston "palate". The brick, with granite sills and a little modern paneling makes it fit in nicely. Hey, at least it's not the new House of Blues.
today two sides the front hasn't been unveiled
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I really like the post-and-lintel base. It looks like it wouldn't be a complete embarrassment to put it next to your typical Boston Granite Style building.
I like it. The big windows are a nice contrast to the small, "squinty" windows often found on Boston buildings.
After seeing a close-up of the materials, I like it a bit more. I may have just been in a sour mood the other day when I said I was really disappointed.
Before the pics, a couple of thoughts:

1. The base granite has a polished finish that the photos don't really show. I woulda preferred a flat or rough cut finish.

2. It doesn't look as good in person as it does in photos. It's not bad, but nothing great.







Yeah it's nothing great but I'd take this over the crap they are throwing up in the SBW any day.
