The Parker Boston (nee LaGrange Tower) | 47-55 LaGrange St. | Downtown


Senior Member
Oct 28, 2012
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If 533 Washington St. [aka former FELT] gets approved with its 94 units, and this 152 unit puppy squeezes into this development cycle as well, that's another 246 units for an area that already includes:

660 Washington: 420 units
Kensington: 385 units
45 Stuart: 404 units
W Boston condos: 122 units
151 Tremont: 373 units
165 Tremont: 63 units
170 Tremont: 92 units
Millennium Place: 265 units
Ritz Tower condos: 368 units

Would FELT project and 47 LaGrange St. make this the most densely-settled district in New England? You can squeeze all of these into a rectangle that is just .03 square miles that runs from West Street/Tremont, down Tremont, to Stuart, east to Washington, up Washington to West, then down West to close the box. That rectangle would include 2,738 units if FELT project and 47 LaGrange get done. 2,738 units x 90% occupancy (I think that's not overly-optimistic at all for this neighborhood, there'll be some absentee foreign condo owners, but not many, I don't think) x 2 residents per unit is approx. 4,900 residents. In just .03 square miles. Which would be 165,000 residents per sq. mile. Which seems crazy... anyway, I'd love to see the density figure for this census tract, for the 2020 census.

Back to the project... another slanted roof! Hopefully a slew more renderings get released once this goes up on BPDA page; for now this is slim pickings. But still enough to critique, I figure....
Re: 47 LaGrange Street | Former BYMCU Parking Lot | Theater District



Re: 47 LaGrange Street | Former BYMCU Parking Lot | Theater District

Hey now! There's nothing I dislike about this design thus far. Let's see how street level goes.

Looking forward to an LOI and PNF soon.
Re: 47 LaGrange Street | Former BYMCU Parking Lot | Theater District

SLANTY ROOFS! Boston has officially found its calling card. New York has spires, LA has helipads, Chicago has a mix, and Boston has slanty roofs. I dont hate it.
Re: 47 LaGrange Street | Former BYMCU Parking Lot | Theater District

If I may, Chicago has broad shouldered towers.

And yes to slanty roofs for Boston.
Re: 47 LaGrange Street | Former BYMCU Parking Lot | Theater District

^ ah true. Id also add that Miami has balconies and Atlanta also has spires (new school type).
Re: 47 LaGrange Street | Former BYMCU Parking Lot | Theater District

If 533 Washington St. [aka former FELT] gets approved with its 94 units, and this 152 unit puppy squeezes into this development cycle as well, that's another 246 units for an area that already includes:

Would FELT project and 47 LaGrange St. make this the most densely-settled district in New England? You can squeeze all of these into a rectangle that is just .03 square miles that runs from West Street/Tremont, down Tremont, to Stuart, east to Washington, up Washington to West, then down West to close the box. That rectangle would include 2,738 units if FELT project and 47 LaGrange get done. 2,738 units x 90% occupancy (I think that's not overly-optimistic at all for this neighborhood, there'll be some absentee foreign condo owners, but not many, I don't think) x 2 residents per unit is approx. 4,900 residents. In just .03 square miles. Which would be 165,000 residents per sq. mile. Which seems crazy... anyway, I'd love to see the density figure for this census tract, for the 2020 census.

Back to the project... another slanted roof! Hopefully a slew more renderings get released once this goes up on BPDA page; for now this is slim pickings. But still enough to critique, I figure....

DBM -- fascinating density numbers -- comparable to some of the old Chinatown [rooming houses] back a few

Back in the 70's when I was at MIT a Chinese friend was hovering on the edge of dropping out and he finally did to set up a "Sweat Shop" in Chinatown. Everything in the building was a bit on the squishy side. There were a bunch of Chinese who spent the day soldering [OSHA what's that]. The first shift arrived at 6:00 AM and left at 2:00 to work in a restaurant. The 2nd shift arrived at 2:00 and stayed until 10:00 and then when the 2nd shift quit work -- the 2nd shift guys would send out the most junior to pick-up food and then unroll futons and sleep in the factory.

I frequently went in the middle of the night from my lab for a late night 3:00 AM snack to places like the Golden Gate where the menu was only in Chinese and I'd personally eat what a whole table of guys where sharing. My friend said in Hong Kong they were used to it.

My friend also told me that Chinese restaurant employees from Hong Kong would do the same -- each sleeper had about 10 sq ft -- might be 25 guys in a room. Their goal was to essentially starve and be sleep deprived for 5 or so years saving every dime -- then they would return to Hong Kong and buy one floor in some tower and live off the rent -- never working again.
Re: 47 LaGrange Street | Former BYMCU Parking Lot | Theater District

Whigh, dont ever change no matter what they say.

I've wondered when that little lot would be developed. When I saw "Lagrange" tonight I tentatively clicked since I thought this was for that garbage development on the Brookline/Newton/WRox border (also Lagrange). This one here is very, very nice looking. I actually like the height since it seems more rare to see a midrise that looks sleek and well designed, vs very nice 3 story or 60 story luxury constructions.
Re: 47 LaGrange Street | Former BYMCU Parking Lot | Theater District

who's the combatant that said 1 big development announcement per week?

Thatd be me. If I'm not mistaken I think were up to 2 this week and its tuesday.
Re: 47 LaGrange Street | Former BYMCU Parking Lot | Theater District

Reminds me of a shorter Tower at PNC Plaza in Pittsburgh. Shorter isn't bad in this case, at all. Hope this gets built.
Re: 47 LaGrange Street | Former BYMCU Parking Lot | Theater District

God damn wighlander is consistent. That was actually a pretty interesting derailment to read.
Re: 47 LaGrange Street | Former BYMCU Parking Lot | Theater District

TBH I was wondering when someone was going to propose something here it just seemed inevitable considering its one of the few remaining open lots in this area and it is surrounded by towers unlike the other Chinatown parcels that are farther from them.
Re: 47 LaGrange Street | Former BYMCU Parking Lot | Theater District

TBH I was wondering when someone was going to propose something here it just seemed inevitable considering its one of the few remaining open lots in this area and it is surrounded by towers unlike the other Chinatown parcels that are farther from them.

There is another open lot next door that will likely be a Phase 2 extension of the Archdiocese of Boston's Planning Office for Urban Affairs rework of the old Christian Union building at 48 Boylston as affordable housing. Likely a similar smaller tower to be added in their rear parking lot on LaGrange.
Re: 47 LaGrange Street | Former BYMCU Parking Lot | Theater District

This and the 171 Tremont tower look really good. Sometimes little additions bring big results. I like to see even very small infill put forth the effort to be something.
Re: 47 LaGrange Street | Former BYMCU Parking Lot | Theater District

In other news this tower will be very visible, thank god. For a tower of this height this is the absolute best case scenario in all facets. This will be one of the better looking towers in Boston and it will be visible from the Common as well as from across the Charles River. Huge win for the city. This is infill perfection. The Common is one of the most important areas of the city and improving the view from there is always a win regardless of height. The only negative-which wont affect us, is the lobby being on lagrange st across from 45 stuarts parking garage. 45 Stuart basically said F this street on that side of the tower (they didn't really have a choice, but still). Im sure they wont care because they are still in a great location and will have incredible views once inside, and easy access to basically anything in the city.

Lets hope the alignment puts it right in the gap between 45 stuart and the kensington- which is relative anyways depending on where you are situated.
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Re: 47 LaGrange Street | Former BYMCU Parking Lot | Theater District

Something interesting to walk past on my way to the Tam.
Re: 47 LaGrange Street | Former BYMCU Parking Lot | Theater District

Something interesting to walk past on my way to the Tam.

Ohhh Good idea!

Wife: "What were you doing on Lagrange St.?"
Me: "Just walking to Center.... The Tam. I was going to The Tam."
Re: 47 LaGrange Street | Former BYMCU Parking Lot | Theater District

Quick derailment, which someone can quickly answer and then we can get back on track. Were the ritz towers built before the shadow laws? Because there is no way those two hulking masses don't cast huge shadows on the common, Thanks.
Re: 47 LaGrange Street | Former BYMCU Parking Lot | Theater District

Quick derailment, which someone can quickly answer and then we can get back on track. Were the ritz towers built before the shadow laws? Because there is no way those two hulking masses don't cast huge shadows on the common, Thanks.

I believe the two towers were built in 1999-2000. I thought the original shadow law was passed in 1990.
