NEMA Boston | 399 Congress St. | Seaport

The sidewalk is open in front of this. Unfortunately they are reopening the slip lane on the western side of the site, despite it being closed for two years with minimal adverse impacts.

:( It amazes me that's the case. Slip lanes are dangerous and completely out of line with what Boston should want to see in its newest neighborhood.
KKR bought both the NEMA Boston and NEMA Chicago towers. Boston's is 21 stories, Chicago.....76 stories. Oh well, enjoy, Chi-town.
This building looks like it arrived through a time portal from 2006.
It's not a great design, but this is one of those buildings that's just better in person than in pictures. The gray panels actually look pretty nice, not cheap and cardboardy like they always seem to come across in photos.

Imagine grabbing a design from 1976 and building it in 1991.

Or from 1963-1970. Only 7 years but eons regarding styles.

Sorry, I just don’t see the same measure of difference between 2006-2021. What has changed so markedly? Maybe the proliferation of boring glass box cubes?
It's not a great design, but this is one of those buildings that's just better in person than in pictures. The gray panels actually look pretty nice, not cheap and cardboardy like they always seem to come across in photos.

Really glad to read that. That glass though...Just looking at it in the photo makes me feel faintly nauseous.
Really glad to read that. That glass though...Just looking at it in the photo makes me feel faintly nauseous.

Yeah... and that's pretty much the way it looks in person, unfortunately
Yeah... and that's pretty much the way it looks in person, unfortunately

Too bad the quality of the panels doesn't show up in the photos but the cheapness of the glass comes thru loud and clear.

I hope I get an opportunity soon to visit the Seaport and see what this building and all the other new buildings look like in real life. It's been a couple of years since I was down there last.
This is definitely a background building. I find the giant wave screen in their turn around super weird.
