Gables Seaport (née Waterside Place 1B) | 505 Congress Street | Seaport

After the pandemic they need to remodel a few of the ground floors in this area of the old seaport for some more retail or more anything.
After the pandemic they need to remodel a few of the ground floors in this area of the old seaport for some more retail or more anything.

Yeah, this area is awful. It's purely a place you pass-through, not a destination in and of itself. The "parks" are a big problem, as they're really only good for eating a take-out salad
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It made sense at the time when this was an isolated island in the middle of nowhere, but now that the area has filled in they really should consider remodeling a lot of the ground floors. No reason they cant punch out the walls and liven the place up pretty easily.

I definitely agree the "green space" is pretty crap too. I hate when theres lots of useless green areas scattered in places, they should just use that space for something else and consolidate it all together in one place to form 1 good park instead of 7 little unusable parks. You see this everywhere in post soviet cities. Damn near every building has lots of grass around them, but theres no real parks. It would have been better to just make the buildings placed much denser together and then place a real park every so often instead.

Anyways the seaport does seem to have a couple decent parks planned near fort point and the harborway is a gem so not bashing it overall this one area could just easily be improved.
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This building seems a lot bigger in person, but I am not sure why everyone likes it so much.


Everyone is always entitled to their own opinion, but for me it is spectacular in its details while not being ostentatiously "look at me".

The window treatments are better than anything I've ever seen - - the sharpness pops so much. Further, the patterns change, so if you stare at it for several moments, your perception actually changes. This creates an M.C. Escher effect. Imagine if only the developer of the WHOOP building in Kenmore cared enough to have the vision to do this. You just don't see that type of ingenuity in most of the slap 'em up bland buildings these days.

I love this building for being quietly excellent.
This building seems a lot bigger in person, but I am not sure why everyone likes it so much.

In addition to Shmessy's post above...
1. It's not a typical glass box in a neighborhood full of typical glass boxes.
2. Have you SEEN the first Waterside Place?
2a. This is being juxtaposed against the worst building in the Seaport.
2b. This is the (very) pleasant surprise follow-up to the worst building in the Seaport.
3. Black-dominant color schemes usually look good on buildings. This is no exception.
4. The general proportions are a bit better than many other Seaport buildings.
5. The dark orange strips look sharp and add some flair to what would otherwise be the building's less flattering angles.

This pic by KZ illustrates a lot of the points. The dreadful first Waterside Place building is to the left, blech. The black looks good and stands out. The orange strip is neat, and if you look closely it actually plays off Word Trade Center West across the street, which I never noticed until now. The whole building just looks sharp, and is a great visual addition to the neighborhood.
2. Have you SEEN the first Waterside Place?
2a. This is being juxtaposed against the worst building in the Seaport.
2b. This is the (very) pleasant surprise follow-up to the worst building in the Seaport.

HEY! I resemble that remark! The worst building(s) in the Seaport is Park Lane Seaport and I will not stand idly by while you devalue and discredit its sterling and well-deserved reputation. You take back what you said or my attorney will be taking you to court for your libelous slander.
HEY! I resemble that remark! The worst building(s) in the Seaport is Park Lane Seaport and I will not stand idly by while you devalue and discredit its sterling and well-deserved reputation. You take back what you said or my attorney will be taking you to court for your libelous slander.

Worst building is the Barnes Building.
Oh good this developer gets to fuck us again after the last turd popped out onto Congress Street. Great.

So anyways... two things because I went for a run down around the Seaport while it was nice out:

1. I was wrong, this turned out pretty good.
2. Critical re-evaluation of Phase 1A, the older sister building, its actually not that bad... I dunno if its because the facade has aged a little or what, but it actually looks okay.
