Boston is Racist

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He's actually doing the reasonable pro-development crowd a tremendous disservice. I hope people recognize that. He's 'dirtying' the idea of tall buildings, even where almost everyone would agree that they are appropriate. God knows I think of him every time I look up at the Shard(and if a Porsche happens to drive by at the same time, I usually barf or pass out cold).
I know what he is doing and that is trollbaiting.

Gee, and i thought that's what this thread was.

You and kmp troll this board up and down............


for the record, i will state, you are an epic marxist loon of biblical proportions.

you take yourself a wee bit too seriously, throw endless insults and slander like you''re handing out candy WITH ZERO RIGHT TO DO ANY SUCH THING.

The reason comedians no longer visit college campuses is all you liberal fascists with your heads twisted so far up your assholes, who take every cubic centimeter of the exchange of ideas as though it was World War 3.

And yes, Asians used to joke, deride, complain and in some cases, were even willing to speak out against their own monopoly of the UC system.

And they could talk about it, joke about it, and laugh about it, and just about every other fucking thing without having endless personal


Your verbal tirades + threatening to destroy those who happen not to agree with your nazi, alt-left, Lizzie Warren, marxist bullshit....

is an education. Our doomed future on exhibit.

We should have instituted a 2 year mandatory draft years ago....

Next chapter, what happens after the victim class is forced into planetary receivership.
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Porsche happens to drive by at the same time, I usually barf or pass out cold).

you would.

last spring/someplace in the rockies: 182mph and still pulling...............

woulda gone for 190 (nirvana), but i ran out of straight.
you would.

last spring/someplace in the rockies: 182mph and still pulling...............

woulda gone for 190 (nirvana), but i ran out of straight.

You should have said a prayer and gone for it.
Gee, and i thought that's what this thread was.

You and kmp troll this board up and down............


for the record, i will state, you are an epic marxist loon of biblical proportions.

you take yourself a wee bit too seriously, throw endless insults and slander like you''re handing out candy WITH ZERO RIGHT TO DO ANY SUCH THING.

The reason comedians no longer visit college campuses is all you liberal fascists with your heads twisted so far up your assholes, who take every cubic centimeter of the exchange of ideas as though it was World War 3.

And yes, Asians used to joke, deride, complain and in some cases, were even willing to speak out against their own monopoly of the UC system.

And they could talk about it, joke about it, and laugh about it, and just about every other fucking thing without having endless personal


Your verbal tirades + threatening to destroy those who happen not to agree with your nazi, alt-left, Lizzie Warren, marxist bullshit....

is an education. Our doomed future on exhibit.

We should have instituted a 2 year mandatory draft years ago....

Next chapter, what happens after the victim class is forced into planetary receivership.
Blah blah blah shut up nazi. Love how you're trying to play the victim when you just instigated shit
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Without being racist and mean spirited towards other groups, I do agree that campuses have changed drastically in the past several years since I graduated from college. And not exactly for the better.

There are people of color and people who are mentally disabled that have a ceiling on which college and university they can get into. And here we have students who don't fit the aforementioned criteria. So, in other words. Mostly privileged white kids. Now, does this mean that comics aren't a bit edgy for students? Of course. So, then leave the student union if you get offended. Are there professors who are racist, sexist and ableist? Absolutely. Okay, then challenge them on their ignorance in a well thought out rebuttal (either impromptu or extemporaneous). You're there to be challenged and at the same time, challenge others in the intellectual argument.

Don't protest cafeteria food like at Oberlin College because it doesn't fit the cultural appropriation that you're so used to. The only time that a college professor should be called out is when they commit sexual assault (or if they advocate sexual assault - in other words, a call to action). I'm of Middle Eastern origin, and I've been called the "n" word in college. It sucked. It sucks that there are people who still feel the need to stoop to that level or anger and hatred as a tool of oppression. Unfortunately, the "n" word is a form of freedom of speech. There are many things that someone can do. They can block that person on social media. They can (again) outsmart them in the intellectual argument (not that hard to do when dealing with an SS Nazi douche).

If that racist starts making physical threats against you, and/or if it becomes a thing of physical violence, then call state and/or local law enforcement. They're much better equipped to deal with dangerous situations than campus police in my opinion. I actually never called the police after I was physically and sexually assaulted on campus because of retribution (a fear that many others who have been brutalized share). My mistake.

Getting back to the subject at hand. Racism is part of our nation's history. And in terms of Boston, still part of the judicial system. The problems that people of color DO share with all races, genders, abilities, and sexual identities, is much bigger than surface politics. If anyone assumes that the problems that we are all having under Trump will go away when Hillary Clinton makes her comeback and stomps all over the Cheeto in 2020, then they better wake up. The SJW crowd assume that everything will be solved with impassioned Facebook posts and reposting of Vice articles.

Fuck these safe zones. Fuck cultural appropriation. If the liberals don't get their shit together, then fucking Alex Jones will become president in 2028. People expect the House and Senate to give a shit about race issues when they're sitting in a building that is an actual monument to slavery? Get real.
My God,

It amazes me is that people believe Donald Trump got together with the Russians to throw the election.

Now, that is in every way possible.

Did it actually occur? The odds srsly don't favor it.

i personally very much doubt it.

Did Donald's people talk with the Russian's about many matters of their future relationship??

They would be doing their political special interest/s a great disservice if they didn't. They are an aggressive bunch that believes solidly in diplomacy and dialogue to attain their goals.

the lack thereof is precisely why we've never persuaded China to help us prevent North Korea from developing Nukes and their delivery systems.

For all we know the dialogue could have been just as much about the North Korea problem or other less sensitive general topics.

That it was about throwing an election is very close to absurd imo.

You're really accusing these people of being insane scumbags to go that far.

Did Obama try to persuade everyone in intel that this was, in fact happening?

of course! Politics is power and scumbag power.

The ousted Secy of Defense may be a right winger asshole that you all particularly hate.

but he is not some wackfuck, treasonous dog.

He's a Russia-hating, patriot to the core.... and he leans solid right.

Just like 80,000 decorated officers who have come before.

People. really.
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Here's some advice odor, stay off the news and masturbate to your lego skyscrapers into your confederate flag, otherwise you're going to give yourself and aneurysms.
I know what he is doing and that is trollbaiting. Honestly, I would subscribe the globe and post every stupid thing that odurandina post on this forum in the comment section so that nobody takes him seriously if it wasn't for the fact that it would be a waste of my time.
My God,

It amazes me is that people believe Donald Trump got together with the Russians to throw the election.

Oh, hey, look, his campaign manager took $10 million a year to "influence politics, business dealings and news coverage inside the United States, Europe and the former Soviet republics to benefit the Putin government".
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