I know what he is doing and that is trollbaiting.
Gee, and i thought that's what this thread was.
You and kmp troll this board up and down............
for the record, i will state, you are an epic marxist loon of biblical proportions.
you take yourself a wee bit too seriously, throw endless insults and slander like you''re handing out candy WITH ZERO RIGHT TO DO ANY SUCH THING.
The reason comedians no longer visit college campuses is all you liberal fascists with your heads twisted so far up your assholes, who take every cubic centimeter of the exchange of ideas as though it was World War 3.
And yes, Asians used to joke, deride, complain and in some cases, were even willing to speak out against their own monopoly of the UC system.
And they could talk about it, joke about it, and laugh about it, and just about every other fucking thing without having endless personal
Your verbal tirades + threatening to destroy those who happen not to agree with your nazi, alt-left, Lizzie Warren, marxist bullshit....
is an education. Our doomed future on exhibit.
We should have instituted a 2 year mandatory draft years ago....
Next chapter, what happens after the victim class is forced into planetary receivership.