New Forum Issues and Comments

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And it has been for a month or two. There's generally about three seconds between the time you click a link and when it starts to load the new whatever where absolutely nothing happens. And while it's not the biggest problem this world has, it's certainly an eternity by internet standards.
And it has been for a month or two. There's generally about three seconds between the time you click a link and when it starts to load the new whatever where absolutely nothing happens. And while it's not the biggest problem this world has, it's certainly an eternity by internet standards.

Same thing for me right now. I doubt it has anything to do with my internet, or the computer I'm using-I just had Geek Squad here to fix 'er up and set up my home wireless network.
Very slowwww right now...

I've noticed the same thing. We've outgrown our current hosting plan and we should upgrade. It can get little bit more expensive than I can afford at the moment.

The fund-raising thing really hasn't panned out here in the past, but I'll figure something out. Any ideas are welcome, of course.
Ask for a donation through paypal when new members sign up with some persuasive blurb. Or email the members.
What types of prices are we talking about?

I pay $57 per month through, I think, for two sites. (Or, should say I did, until I sold one.) My traffic was 1,000 uniques per day, I think.

Does this board get a lot more than that?
what's the name of your blog btw jimbojones?
That would be a shill, no?

But, I don't own the blog any longer, so it's more a recommendation than a shill, I guess. (I still write for it, though.)

or charge people to join.

No, neither of these are ever going to happen. It would completely change the nature of the board and I dont think people would stand for it.

What types of prices are we talking about?

I pay $57 per month through, I think, for two sites. (Or, should say I did, until I sold one.) My traffic was 1,000 uniques per day, I think.

Does this board get a lot more than that?

Thanks for the tip, Jimbo. According to the board's host, we get about 3-4 times that. Ideally, we should have our own dedicated server. I can't spare $1200 at the moment though. This probably requires a little creative thinking.

That would be a shill, no?

But, I don't own the blog any longer, so it's more a recommendation than a shill, I guess. (I still write for it, though.)

Plug away, Jimbo. I've always been puzzled why you don't advertise the BREB here. You should put it in your signature.
I wouldn't mind ads here, so long as they weren't overpowering and slowing up the site too much.
What do members think about a new category labeled 'Essential books on Boston. It would be one book per thread and the first posting would only have the title, author and a brief description. Members would then post their opinions and insights as replies.
I was thinking it should be on the community/index.php page, probaly under miscellaneous, so it would be the moderator who has to do it.

Maybe we should have a pool on the level where people could vote on what they feel is teh most important book.
I like the concept. I don't know if we need a whole forum dedicated to it. Maybe something like the Boston Architecture/Urbanism Related Events forum, but with books.
Yeah, how about make it a subforum, but with a small link from the front page (so that it doesn't draw too much attention to itself).
I think the advantage of a sub forum, if that's the right description, is that it will read like a book list. If it's all in a single thread it would be more work to find each book and it would be messy trying to match postings with the appropriate book.
Not sure if anyone else is having this problem, but I noticed it on multiple computers: it seems that even after I've read all the threads in a subforum, it will still mark the category orange until I go back into it a second time and come back out. Small issue but it's making browsing a bit confusing...
It has happened to me once or twice but doesn't seem like a constant thing. *shrug*
I'm having that problem, too. I think it started on Tuesday or Wednesday.
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