Recent content by gac108

  1. G

    Lyrik Back Bay | 1001 Boylston Street (Parcel 12) | Back Bay

    I agree. Why has there been no movement on 13? I was walking that area a couple weekends ago with a college friend and his daughters and they all were like, "What's with this massive opening in the road down to the highway??" It's that much more of an eyesore, along with the parcel across the...
  2. G

    Lyra (née The Huntington) | 252/258/264 Huntington Avenue | Fenway

    And you felt the need to post this as your first comment in 7 years?? I guess we all prioritize in different ways...
  3. G

    Woburn infill and small developments

    This intersection is normally quite ok, and I travel through here several times per week as I live in Woburn, shop at the stores around there, and get on 93 north sometimes there. The intersections before it on Commerce Way are far worse, especially down by Market Basket. That one should've been...
  4. G

    Winthrop Center | 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

    Not to be a height fetishist, and I'm not, but if this tower was 100 feet taller then it would at least have made a significant impact on the skyline just for its size. As is, like many others have said, it's simply fine. With the completion of SST soon and nearby MT, this is really like a...
  5. G

    Lyrik Back Bay | 1001 Boylston Street (Parcel 12) | Back Bay

    I think the ironically named Pleasant/Center Street (route 60) in Malden has to be one of the worst streets in the area. It is absolutely brutal.
  6. G

    Please stop.

    Your posts have so many ridiculous, grossly exaggerated stereotypes I don't even know where to begin. The vast majority of the commenters here as well as people I speak to in real life hold none of the opinions you spew here. We do love new things as well as appreciate the quality of the old, we...
  7. G

    Please stop.

    What kind of BS statement is that? Why are you even on this forum??
  8. G

    New England Revolution Stadium | 173 Alford Street | Boston-Everett

    Yes keeping part of the main building and remodeling it and repurposing it I can see, but keeping any of the smokestacks just adds nothing to the skyline imo. To incorporate one or two into the stadium itself as a nod, I guess maybe if done right...
  9. G

    New England Revolution Stadium | 173 Alford Street | Boston-Everett

    "Look ma! Here's me on the top of a smokestack where toxic fumes used to come out of!"
  10. G

    New England Revolution Stadium | 173 Alford Street | Boston-Everett

    Ok well who knew there were people who felt passionately about keeping this ugly Lowell-from-the-1800s-looking eyesore around. I get the sarcasm here, and no one has proposed "office park architecture" here but rather a stadium which will a million percent get used FAR more than "a few dozen...
  11. G

    New England Revolution Stadium | 173 Alford Street | Boston-Everett

    Ugh god please no! They look so out of place and antiquated with all of the new, modern development going up around it. When they're out in a suburban setting, fine, but they are eyesore here. With expensive hotel rooms around, who wants a view staring out at smokestacks?? I used to wonder, 20...
  12. G

    Fenway Center (One Kenmore) | Turnpike Parcel 7, Beacon Street | Fenway

    If only they could do this at the smaller triangular parcels by the Hynes off Boylston. Man those 2 parcels drive me nuts being open like that. How there hasn't been a developer that would just combine that with the garage that Kings/Bukowski is in and put a new city's tallest there is beyond me.
  13. G

    Everett Docklands Innovation District | 52 Beacham Street | Everett

    Because according to the other postings about that site it's not happening anymore. Of course that site is much better, but if can't get approval there for various reasons, maybe this could be an alternative.
  14. G

    Everett Docklands Innovation District | 52 Beacham Street | Everett

    Could Kraft move the potential Revs stadium to this plot instead of the other (much nicer, waterfront) plot?
