Recent content by Hufer

  1. H

    Quincy Center Redevelopment

    A "Park"? If anything, that locations was begging for an ambitious development matching the adjacent building's height at minimum.... is it perhaps a deal made in order to attempt the more ambitious plan..? (getting rid of the entire block for a brand new development ala North Quincy's The Abby)
  2. H

    Quincy Center Redevelopment

    The 126 Granite street project will definitely be a truly nice upgrade to Quincy Center. (y)
  3. H

    Kendall Common Parcel C1 (née Volpe Center) | 25 Broadway | Kendall Square | Cambridge

    So the "crack/fracture" around a quarter of the building's height is the Go-To feature nowadays... :unsure:
  4. H

    88 Seaport Blvd | Seaport Square Parcel D | Seaport

    because why lose such profitable square footage in terraces & open spaces with landscape, right? - also the facade's glazing pattern/configuration is different.......
  5. H

    88 Seaport Blvd | Seaport Square Parcel D | Seaport

    So seems like the design has been "dumbed down"..? whatever...
  6. H

    Newton Infill and Small Developments

    I'm surprised by the approval of such massive project, given how Newton is quite "conservative" about preserving identity & cohesiveness. I guess all that goes away when the promise of "property tax collection" appears quite attractive to the city coffers...
  7. H

    Holocaust Museum Boston | 125 Tremont Street | Downtown

    So, some Renzo Piano Knock-up abomination is the new way to design Museum buildings in Boston ......... Why? Just call him up and have him doing it proper FGS.....
  8. H

    Norwood infill and small developments

    quite familiar with the area since I've done projects nearby. I welcome it
  9. H

    Everett Docklands Innovation District | 52 Beacham Street | Everett

    As some folks already mentioned, I gather in saying there is no value in preserving those Tanks at all, just for the sake of imitating/applying a solution done overseas that provably had different historic context. My main concern is all about the site CLEAN UP & PREP for the new use, given its...
  10. H

    Everett Waterfront Redevelopment | 52 Beacham Street | Everett

    Multi-family blocks with retail at the street level can be combined to create more dynamic residential areas ( 5 to 1 ratio) The only rationale for having such large areas for High-tech & Labs use is based on having a very large corporation already on board-otherwise seems extreme &...
  11. H

    New England Revolution Stadium | 173 Alford Street | Boston-Everett

    extremely wealthy investors that happen to have ownership in other sports & entertainment capital ventures get to build those stadiums for their own private benefits by LEASING THEM for other venues, IOW those stand-alone soccer specific structures aren't soccer-specific that much ;) BTW...
  12. H

    New England Revolution Stadium | 173 Alford Street | Boston-Everett

    Nowadays Stadium infrastructure cannot survive as isolated islands or "white elephant monuments"- either those structures are meant to be designed for multi-purpose venues that can be used all year round, or have additional commercial, assembly, even residential (hotel) components incorporated...
  13. H

    Lab Building (née Hotel Hampshire) | 34-40 Hampshire St. | Cambridge

    Can't help but thinking what kind of "science" is going to be practiced inside that building, when its street level resembles a military installation or a bunker. :rolleyes:
  14. H

    Quincy General Developments

    that's solving "half of the problem" since the other traffic bottleneck happens a few yards away when Willard St. meets the rotary.....
