Saw that framework as well this week - I guess this will be a concrete building and not a steel building. (Not sure if concrete is used more for residential or if this is just a financial decision..)
You beat me to it. Today was the first time I have walked by during daylight hours (been long nights at work) and it looks really weird now that all the trees on the property have been removed.
More negative scanning.
Kendall Square - the original courtyard configuration on the Main st side of the hotel. All pavers - no 'grassy knoll' yet. (On the right is the soon-to-be Co-op, which is also now gone). Circa 1987-ish.
Why this group? Main st (just above the squares) is in the...
I agree planting mature trees would make it look much better. But trees are cut down for projects - that's life. Especially the trees here when the entire site is being reimagined. (Honestly, I miss the trees where the apartment building is going - they grew nicely).
That being said...
Yeah, Charlie has been selling trees on one of those corners for 20+ years now. Great deals too! But yeah, word on the site has been very quiet - which either means finance issues or back room deals...
Surprised no one has posted. Starting this weekend, this project is taking another lane of traffic away. Broadway will be Eastbound only for the next year (inbound to Boston). No westbound at all. North side sidewalk and bike lanes moved. Peds have to cross the street. Bike lanes...
No, John is gumbling about autocorrect gone wrong. the DEconstruction of the old DOT/Volpe building.
The footprint is close - they could just remove the one story additions and build C1, but now you're removing the old building with a new building feet away.
Well, almost a year of inactivity. Fence went up in December. 'signs' went up in July.
Well this week we have activity! More signs. Yeah, that's about it. :). I talked to the works, and they are just 'the sign guys'. Two new signs up on the corner with the same building...
Hmmm - my watch on the thread mus tnot be working well, as I missed the discussion here - I only found out about it as it mad the BBJ today - probably because of the public meeting. Seems thremo-fisher is 'staying'. Personally I agree that they will get this adjustment, then go for a...
More park news - Binney St Park looks super close to opening. Construction vehicles are gone. Just the fence remains. Large portion is a dog park, but there is a lot of seating outside of the park. Curious how busy it will be during lunch come Springtime. This is at Binney, Galelio...
OK, what are the sheet piles for? They've already got an 11 story slurry wall that I thought went to the property line. They need to dig an extra hole?