Recent content by markhb

  1. markhb

    Port of Portland | Working waterfront and future developments

    They bought the woods I played in as a kid and turned them into their athletic complex, so... (Sorry, not much point, I just like to vent about that. )
  2. markhb

    Portland International Jetport | PWM

    In case anyone from Breeze happens along here, I am not spilling any secrets in pointing out that Wex has operations in Salt Lake City and the surrounding area. Plus, of course, the corporate HQ in Portland.
  3. markhb

    Port of Portland | Working waterfront and future developments

    Where is it? The cold storage facility or further west?
  4. markhb

    Portland International Jetport | PWM

    I wonder if anyone (except maybe Elite Airways :giggle: ) has done any market research about the viability of scheduled flights PQI-PWM, even if it's a puddle jumper with no EAS money. I had cause last year to find out that the distance Mars Hill-Bangor (not even Portland, and not quite as far...
  5. markhb

    Portland Passenger Rail

    It does impact the time between Portland and Boston, because the new station is closer to Boston and omits the 0.7 of a mile at slow speed between the new station site and the PTC. So that's something (5 mins?) they can put on a flip chart timetable. Plus there's the crew expense of 15 mins * x...
  6. markhb

    Portland Passenger Rail

    The city had best realize that this isn't a Portland-centric facility. The majority of the users come from outside the Metro area, and no one from Windham or Buxton is going to figure out where to park to get on Metro (or even how to pay, since I don't believe they even take cash anymore)...
  7. markhb

    Potential Soccer Stadium | Portland peninsula

    In fairness, that $270 is for a six-pack, so it's $45/game. But they aren't selling individual game tickets yet and, per the article in the PPH, they doubt any will be available for opening day. i will say, in terms of locking in revenue, it's a great business move, but it excludes those who...
  8. markhb

    Portland Passenger Rail

    I doubt it will shed more light on the decision-making process, but the final Site Relocation Planning Report for the Portland station is available on the NNEPRA website (PDF warning). Here's the conceptual drawing...
  9. markhb

    Time & Temp Building / Brown St. Parking Garage Redevelopment | Portland

    A blip in this morning's PPH article on the 142 Free St. Museum dispute mentions that Chris Rhoades, current owner of the T&T building, is working with a potential buyer for the place but didn't have more to say about it.
  10. markhb

    Portland's Franklin Street redesign

    The one on the left, I actually emailed Boulos about it, complaining that it wouldn't be taller than the two in Manchester, and they said the market wouldn't support any greater height :( .
  11. markhb

    Portland Passenger Rail

    I've wondered how much business could be grabbed by a food truck lurking in the circle at the end of Sewall St. in the mornings, serving basic breakfast sandwiches, short-order lunch, etc.
  12. markhb

    Portland International Jetport | PWM

    That's a good point. (As an aside, without getting into too much detail from my snooping, that rooftop condo at Hobson's Landing with the elevated platform we've all made fun of? The owner does, in fact, live in Connecticut.)
  13. markhb

    General Portland Discussion

    Damn... that's going to be a hell of a remodel! The place is full of low-clearance doorways, load-bearing brick walls, the whole shebang. Literally, it's got these 18-inch thick interior solid brick walls that massive (maybe 6x12?) 150-year old wooden beams (I believe I've seen one photo showing...
