Recent content by Muns1990

  1. M

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    No! They can't do this, the Bedford Mall is a landmark of my childhood.
  2. M

    Manchester Livability Website

    Do it! Sounds amazing, love GCP, Manchester needs something like that.
  3. M

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    The Biltmore is a high end hotel in downtown Providence, it's a great place.
  4. M

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    It really is amazing to see just how far Manchester has come in the last 30 years. Of course there are still many things I'd like to see chance, and always sit here thinking that nothing will ever get going, but looking at the condition of the city in the 70s really puts Manchester's rebirth has...
  5. M

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    It's a really beautiful building, I've been in it a bunch of times. All of the mills have been redone so well, and they're pretty much all filled up. The only one that isn't is the Pandora building and that's just because it's being renovated. Pretty much all of the business that takes place in...
  6. M

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    Really, how long is it? These apartments are going to have incredible views of downtown.
  7. M


    I love all these comparisons between New England's cities. To talk about CT for just a sec though, I don't really think Stamford/Bridgeport and even New Haven should be considered urban centers or even fall into the skyline rankings. I always look at these cities as just being part of commuter...
  8. M


    Hartford is great when it comes to having a wicked dense skyline for a city its size, but the issue with it is that most of the buildings are very boring ugly 70's and 80's architecture. There's only a few buildings that really stand out. Providence pretty much has a sampling of every era of...
  9. M


    Manchester NH, go Manch!
  10. M

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    Wow that would be an incredible addition to the city if it were built, especially at that particular spot. That corner IMO has a lot of potential to be a little concentration of great development especially if even one project like that is put up. I posted a lot on here about Manch about six...
  11. M

    Providence developments

    This can be settled easily, Manchester NH beats both, jk, sorta.
  12. M

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

    This is definitely something that Manchester doesn't need, there's a Stop n Shop about a five minute walk from there. The other projects that have been proposed for this spot were much more exciting, and probably would of had a longer lasting affect on the city than a Market Basket. This just...
  13. M

    Worcester Approves $583M City Square

    I've heard about this project off and on, but what made Worcester want to invest more than a half a billion into their downtown. I wish other cities,particularly Manchester N.H, would put up a tenth of that.....
  14. M

    Providence developments

    I don't think New Hampshire is as libertarian as people may think, well the NH government isn't at least. We only get that because of The Free State Project. I think more people outside of NH have heard of it then the people who live here have. I don't think something like a street car would...
  15. M

    Manchester Infill & Small Developments

