Recent content by TetOff

  1. TetOff

    New Youth Hostel in Theater District

    I believe they plan to convert that (back?) into apartments. Sorry, no link...just the word on the street.
  2. TetOff

    Fenway Infill and Small Developments

    I'm just wondering which of the two pizza joints, noodle place, hotdog eatery, and/or the (new) Subway that he considers to be "world class." Can't we just say "edible" and leave it there? Does everything have to be superlative? Likewise with the stakeholder buy-in. T-Mobile and at least one...
  3. TetOff

    Columbus Center: RIP | Back Bay

    Re: Columbus Center Ned Flaherty, post #1990: Ned Flaherty, previous post: At this pace, you'll be arguing both sides of issues in consecutive posts. It is, however, remarkable that: though you assured us no foundation work has been started, you also promise us that the last of it is now...
  4. TetOff

    Shreve, Crump & Low Redevelopment | 334-364 Boylston Street | Back Bay

    Re: Shreve, Crump & Low bldng may be replaced w/ new develop Indeed, and we can be "progressive" for YEARS building only on existing holes in the ground and parking lots. I see no reason to tear down perfectly serviceable buildings on the vague promise that one day, maybe, the money will show...
  5. TetOff

    Shreve, Crump & Low Redevelopment | 334-364 Boylston Street | Back Bay

    Re: Shreve, Crump & Low bldng may be replaced w/ new develop My assumption was the "For Lease" signs were and are pure kabuki to back up the assertion that "we just can't lease the building as-is." Perhaps I should try to sign a lease at whatever it is they're asking? And I'm not quite sure...
  6. TetOff

    Shreve, Crump & Low Redevelopment | 334-364 Boylston Street | Back Bay

    Re: Shreve, Crump & Low bldng may be replaced w/ new develop The more pressing question, and the one that should be the focus of any political action on this matter is: Will this demolition be allowed to proceed without the money to complete the project in place? That is, will we have yet...
  7. TetOff

    Columbus Center: RIP | Back Bay

    Re: Columbus Center Actually, Ned, since you choose to be a pedant, I must point out that it won't be moot either:
