Recent content by thepianoperson

  1. T

    Fall River/New Bedford Commuter Rail (South Coast Rail)

    It’s not truly cross-platform but the Franklin line has a timed transfer to the Providence at Readville to get to Back Bay/Ruggles on the weekends, and that is as short as 7 mins (and even requires some walking to get down to the Providence platform). So they definitely could get it shorter, but...
  2. T

    Harvard Enterprise Research Campus | 100 Western Avenue | Allston

    Agreed, especially compared to how much the site stuck out with all the cranes- it was super prominent in the skyline when those were standing and now you need to really know where to look to even notice it.
  3. T

    MBTA Buses & Infrastructure

    Did anyone hear about this coming? This seems like an out-of-nowhere and incredible development - TSP on every bus route in Boston starting imminently...
  4. T

    Roxbury Infill and Small Developments

    Speaking of near Jackson Square, has there ever been any word of Roxbury Community College selling/developing those lots across Columbus? That seems like the next low-hanging fruit to build up that area, especially once Columbus gets its bus lane extension that will make it at least a little...
  5. T

    Lyrik Back Bay | 1001 Boylston Street (Parcel 12) | Back Bay

    It’s also technically a reopening of an entrance that’s been closed since the 80s using an existing tunnel under Mass Ave, so likely much cheaper and easier than an entirely from-scratch new entrance would have been.
  6. T

    MBTA Commuter Rail (Operations, Keolis, & Short Term)

    Doesn’t shortening the platforms change the amount of egress required? The old concept had two overhead bridges and this only has one - there’s a good chunk of cost savings. For the record I don’t agree with the 400’ platform decision either for all the reasons listed but that may a driving factor.
  7. T

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    At least this weekend, they were using the crossover between East Somerville and Lechmere to turn trains, no single track operation. The southbound train would pull in to East Somerville, let everyone off, continue past the crossover to stop, then cross to the northbound track on the way back...
  8. T

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    I honestly think people would prefer the entire branch be closed rather than having to take green line to a shuttle bus to the orange line to get to work downtown - not that they don’t have other reasons to close the whole branch but that could be a main reason? People can stomach a forced...
  9. T

    Cambridge Multi-Family Zoning Reform

    I think that number is the number of net new developable units in specific zones of the city as calculated by this slide times 0.25% (as it says on slide 10), which yeah seems to be a very narrow estimate of how much is getting built since there’s definitely over 120 net new units currently...
  10. T

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    Where did you get the line-by-line breakdown from?
  11. T

    Somerville Infill and Small Developments

    Agreed, especially since it’s one of the very few times that the residents are basically screaming at Somerville to push the development forward - they’re being very YIMBY for once and seeing no results from that yet is a letdown.
  12. T

    Biking in Boston

    I think most of all, people go on the Southwest Corridor to be on a path, not on a sidewalk, so if the walking “path” is indistinguishable from a sidewalk, people will always choose the bike path. When I walk it, I will always stay on the walking path when the facilities are equivalent but when...
  13. T

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    Service has resumed on the green line! Unfortunate they couldn’t get it running for start of service today but glad it didn’t take another full day.
  14. T

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    It’s shocking if true that the blue line represents only 10% of ridership at govt center and state, I know it’s the least used line but still that seems super low.
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    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    Agreed 100%, before they occasionally had someone staffed at one of the Gilman entrances (and maybe at other stations, not sure) asking people to pay which definitely increased the percentage of people validating, but now they can’t do that anymore since there are now two separate and...
