Recent content by type001

  1. type001

    Lyra (née The Huntington) | 252/258/264 Huntington Avenue | Fenway

    Good luck with what? We’re doing fine.
  2. type001

    Shreve, Crump & Low Redevelopment | 334-364 Boylston Street | Back Bay

    I really like it. I do not miss what was there anymore, and as I have stated before, I think the best buildings on the block between Arlington and Berkeley are still there.
  3. type001

    Shreve, Crump & Low Redevelopment | 334-364 Boylston Street | Back Bay

    FWIW, it took me close to a minute to determine what the difference was in your 2 pictures in post 1195.
  4. type001

    Middlesex County Courthouse Redevelopment | 40 Thorndike St | East Cambridge

    Absolutely stunning. I stare at this almost every day from the train when coming into North Station.
  5. type001

    MXD Residential Tower | 121 Broadway | Kendall Square

    I don't see that happening, so I guess those cities will continue to be lame also.
  6. type001

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    Stunning! Thank you for the pictures.
  7. type001

    Skanska Office Tower | 380 Stuart Street | Back Bay

    Yes! I was thinking about this recently and hoping for some official news soon.
  8. type001

    MGH Ragon Building | 55 Fruit Street | West End

    My jaw dropped when I read about the donation. Very nice. It seems like there is a lot of positive vibes that surround this development.
  9. type001

    Medford, MA Infill and Small Developments

    On the northbound side of Rte 38 right before the Playstead Road intersection at the Oak Grove Cemetery, there has been a huge Townhouse development going on. They had did a ton of blasting and ground work for years leading up to this. This is also right near the HS.
  10. type001

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    Gotcha, and agreed. I am actually surprised that there is as much interest as there is for some of these units. I love the location, but definitely not for living.
  11. type001

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    So, am I to infer here that there are luxury high rises where residents don't use elevators?
  12. type001

    MGH Ragon Building | 55 Fruit Street | West End

    This could be AB's first award for "Most impressive building that may actually be too tall".
  13. type001

    10 World Trade | BGI Office Tower (Massport Parcel A2) | Seaport

    This thing is a masterpiece! I’m glad that it’s darker than the renders showed.
  14. type001

    North Station Gateway | 251 Causeway St | Bulfinch Triangle

    So is anyone else wondering why a perfectly functional and nice-looking building needs to be demolished? edit: NV - I see the questioning on page 2 and mention of the garage across the street.
  15. type001

    Greenway Residential Building | 55 India Street | Downtown

    30-50 stories here is ridiculous. It should be 130-150.
