Domino Sugar Redevelopment | 425 Medford Street | Charlestown Waterfront


Senior Member
Apr 4, 2010
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This looks absolutely incredible - - world class type development. The Mystic Riviera is going to happen. It may take a few decades, but look up and down that river - - it is inevitable.


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For consistency, could a mod please rename the thread to "Domino Sugar Redevelopment | 425 Medford Street | Charlestown"?

This is actually pretty far from Sullivan - a full half-mile from the station entrance even assuming a more pedestrian-friendly version of the square and what seems like an inevitable mixed use path on the RR branch.
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For consistency, could a mod please rename the thread to "Domino Sugar Redevelopment | 425 Medford Street | Charlestown"?

This is actually pretty far from Sullivan - a full half-mile from the station entrance even assuming a more pedestrian-friendly version of the square and what seems like an inevitable mixed use path on the RR branch.

Good call. I just did what you requested - and I hope you don't mind, but I added the descriptive word "Waterfront" to the end of your suggested title.

In the meantime, the Sullivan Square part was in the Globe headline.

In the future, feel free to PM the OP first, I was happy to edit the thread title for you.
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And it’s not labs! Well, not yet, at least.

The tower portion in the back looks ambitious. I’d think there’s little chance that gets approved…
Good call. I just did what you requested - and I hope you don't mind, but I added the descriptive word "Waterfront" to the end of your suggested title.

In the meantime, the Sullivan Square part was in the Globe headline.

In the future, feel free to PM the OP first, I was happy to edit the thread title for you.

Sorry - it may be a new thing that the first poster can edit the thread title. I've always assumed it had to be a mod.
From the credit on the rendering, the lead architect is Nelson Worldwide, headquartered in Minneapolis. Their first Boston area project?

The Globe also gives credit to Weston & Sampson, a firm with a strong New England presence, and who concentrate more on infrastructure, site planning, remediation, landscape architecture.
Pretty watercolor rendering.
The rest of Nelson's project don't give me high confidence though in terms of "design." Nice urban waterfront planning though. Reminds me of the new Wharf complex in DC.

This in particular made me laugh:
Yeah beautiful but . . .

Agree with earlier posts this and the other projects getting lumped together are not really "Sullivan Square." This area of Charlestown is known as the Neck. And the other parcels mentioned by the Globe are in the Lost Village. As much as I wish they developed the actual SS parcels, all of this work is like making a pretty frame for the picture to go in. Sullivan remains a sea of parking lots and choked traffic.
Yes, it looks nice, and that run-down industrial area would get a really good shot in the arm (no COVID puns), but Boston just might be going into a protracted period of anti-development attitudes prevailing should Wu get voted in as Mayor, and from what I have heard and read, beyond her desire to scrap the BPDA (sorry Wu-Socialists, NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!), Wu wants to enhance and embolden NIMBYISM, and thus, even if the BPDA stays, she will more than likely throw many a socialist, power-to-the-NIMBY stance monkey wrench into the development process. Of course, Wu wants more affordable housing built (I SUPPORT THAT STANCE), yet should she stand by her agenda to empower the NIMBY, the antishadow, anti-hi-rise TOO TALL, it is OUT OF SCALE constituencies, very little in terms of large-scale building projects will end up getting built and as for her stumping for that 20 % of units being affordable housing units, well, it does not take an Einstein (or "Sheldon Cooper") to know that 20% of nothing is NOTHING!!! SORRY about my digressions here.

isn't there some political, public policy, or social justice forum you can ruin instead?
this looks great but between this and bunker hill redo, getting in and out of town will be impossible.
Yeah beautiful but . . .

I hear ya, but that train left the station long ago (no pun intended on your AB moniker). Manufacturing in this country is pretty much caput, having all fled to the third world.
This is the type of project that will be required to fund the shoreline improvements necessary to keep Charlestown resilient.

The neighbors are going to have a heart attack when they see the massing - they thought development of the other side of Sullivan Square was too close. From a permitting perspective, this is not actually adding too many new spaces from the current (empty) use. Residents are always whining about parking. If it's a monthly-rate public accessible garage, it might actually be seen as a net positive:
"The Proposed Project will also include provision of up to 1,200 vehicle parking spaces (428 net-new spaces) located in below-grade and above-grade structured garages and at street level."
-Office/Lab at 0.8 spaces per 1,000 SF
-Residential at 0.75 spaces/unit
-Hotel at 0.20 spaces/1,000 SF
-Retail at 0.8 spaces per 1,000 SF
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This is certainly ambitious. I have to question the density though. We are talking about a place with one road in and out and the subway is over a half mile away, on the other side of a highway.
I dunno. Awesome to get such a big development for Charlestown, but I am kind of meh on the design. Looks like they went for a walk on the West Side Hwy greenway in Hell's Kitchen and West Chelsea and copied the Starrett-Lehigh Building and Mercedes House.
