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  1. R

    MBTA Buses & Infrastructure

    I also found that Brookline had posted some design plans that I don't see posted anywhere else on this thread. Here
  2. R

    MBTA Buses & Infrastructure

    More details on the Malden bus-only lane from StreetsBlogMass: The city also posted conceptual design plans too.
  3. R

    Grounding the McGrath

    If the highway is getting these buffered bike lanes - it's a big step up from what's there today.
  4. R

    Encore Boston Harbor Casino | 1 Broadway | Everett

    I paid $35. And got every penny's worth.
  5. R

    Encore Boston Harbor Casino | 1 Broadway | Everett

    I'm not keen on the Las Vegas Strip/Macau Cotai look, but, I can live with it. I'm really a fan of the wildly cheap buffets that come with gaming.
  6. R

    Take Back The Streets (...and alleys)

    In Massachusetts, we struggle to address the main problem of homelessness -- i.e. that they don't have a home. Our struggles are linked primarily to "the rent is too damn high" for almost everybody in the inner core. Were we (as the Commonwealth) able to enact "housing first" policies that get...
  7. R

    Encore Boston Harbor Casino | 1 Broadway | Everett

    My only real desire is for them to be back to pre-pandemic buffet.
  8. R

    Best Civil Engineering & Urban Planning Books

    Another book that I just remembered was really a wonderful read with thoughts about how people think about cities: Kevin Lynch's Image of the City. I really enjoyed reading it. It *is* theoretical and planning and design focused. But, I think it provides a useful framework if you're trying to...
  9. R

    Union Square Somerville Infill and Small Developments

    Not so sure about Asylum....I know those Boston folk seem to think Camb-ervillens are /different/. But, y'know, I don't think that'll fly with the T management. But, Artisan Square doesn't sound half bad.
  10. R

    Take Back The Streets (...and alleys)

    Let's not forget that there's a lot of human service organizations there in Central Square. Not "just" the clinics, but, shelters, day programs. All connected to the neighborhood. I've also learned from the people in the plaza that one of the reasons that Central Square is so popular is because...
  11. R

    Take Back The Streets (...and alleys)

    buses also need a curb to load and unload passengers - in normal times those bus stops are pretty busy.
  12. R

    Union Square Somerville Infill and Small Developments

    16' while shorter than a "typical" 20' parking spot - seems like all of the area's street parking to me. :D
  13. R

    Union Square Somerville Infill and Small Developments

    A 12' aisle where there's parallel parking? That's like a slightly overlywide regular lane of traffic. And a 20' aisle where there's row parking? That actually just seems like a rightly right parking lot?
  14. R

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    1. value engineering 2. steel's become quite expensive (relative to previous costs).
  15. R

    Union Square D2.1 | 10 Prospect Street | Somerville

    The one last golden radiator?
  16. R

    Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion

    As someone who's generally on that flight path 1x or 2x a year, it's about 6h30m to LAX and 5h30m back. the shorter flight time back makes redeyes less useful than you want it to, but, the redeyes are pretty full of budget travellers too.
  17. R

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    Thanks. Now, I see the yard leads that connect to the Medford Branch. (pp. 12-14). Interesting that there's also a pocket track that comes off the yard lead and goes almost all the way to the East Somerville station. Is it me, or reading this does it seem like on pp. 11-12 the section from the...
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    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    I'm thinking that the only VMF access is through the Union Sq branch?
  19. R

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    Going from 4 regular service patterns (in addition to the rando exceptions and peak-hour short-turns) to up to 16 regular service patterns doesn't seem to be particularly intuitive for new or infrequent users. B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 C2 C3 C4 D1 D2 D3 D4 E1 E2 E3 E4...
  20. R

    Union Square Somerville Infill and Small Developments

    Could work for the train station. But the neighborhood on the other side of the tracks?
