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  1. Shepard

    Biking in Boston

    Great post. For the suburbs, I think using bikeshare for ALL last mile trips is a bit of a pipe dream, but there's certainly demand for nearby nodes - like Chestnut Hill to/from the shopping centers, or Woodland to/from NWH - just two easy examples. These links should not only be created but...
  2. Shepard

    UK Pubs

    Fair enough, but a short TLDR usually helps promote the link, or at least helps people decide whether to click the link or not. But yeah, anyway, that's an interesting article. Demolishing or decaying the urban fabric contrary to law is a horrible thing, but developers will do it if the...
  3. Shepard

    UK Pubs

    I don't think this forum works well for simply sharing links, unless the content is very obviously related to local development. But even then, I prefer to read people's original thoughts and commentary than just see a posted link. Doubly true with more esoteric subject matter.
  4. Shepard

    Take Back The Streets (...and alleys)

    Great post, OP. I too wish that more narrow streets and alleys could be activated. It’s a fun thought but limited by climate and the reality of what’s already there. I’m an infrequent visitor to Montreal so I could be wrong but I’d venture to say that the Underground City kind of takes the...
  5. Shepard

    Green Line Reconfiguration

    Essex Street routing is a no-brainer. I realize it's more difficult to dig under Essex Street to reach the Seaport than the jog down to the pike and back up. But if the political will existed to get it done, there's no reason why it couldn't be done.
  6. Shepard

    View Boston (Observatory) | Prudential Tower | Back Bay

    Is this your picture? If you don't mind sharing it, is there any way you can post a full-res? It's awesome.
  7. Shepard

    Downtown Crossing/Financial District | Discussion

    Wow - great counterintuitive point. I wouldn’t have ever said (or wanted to say) that being a transit hub makes DTX junky and the Seaport with its lack of transit remains shiny (exclusive?)... I’m not sure it’s true (I dont want it to be true) but it is compelling food for thought. it also...
  8. Shepard

    Downtown Crossing/Financial District | Discussion

    i take your point about the winter. To dig further though, the Seaport not only looks better in winter but it’s been decked out with real winter programming that draws people. DTX just kind of looks like someone did the bare minimum and threw in the towel. Back Bay retains a good deal of its...
  9. Shepard

    Downtown Crossing/Financial District | Discussion

    I was on a walk through DTX and surrounds yesterday. I haven't spent much time in the city during CovidTimes, so perhaps this is more emblematic now of "how things are" ... perhaps it's also emblematic of winter, or Sundays... that being said, I found it more depressing than ever. More vacant...
  10. Shepard

    Copley Square Revamp | Back Bay

    I have nothing against NYC but I agree that would be an improvement!
  11. Shepard

    Copley Square Revamp | Back Bay

    The southwest corner needs the most help. It’s poorly defined and autocentric. I detest the NEW YORK CITY highway sign and the huge number of crosswalks that pedestrians need to navigate to get anywhere.
  12. Shepard

    Boston Alt History

    Hartford, 1814. Reps from New England states to a secretive convention resolve to secede from the union. They're pissed about shouldering so much damage from the British in 1812, and they're seeing their political clout eroded by the 3/5ths compromise and the admittance of new frontier slave...
  13. Shepard

    What makes a good plaza?

    1) enclosure - needs to feel enclosed and intimidate. Enclosure height needs to be scaled to the size of the plaza. Bracket buildings in Alexanderplatz for example. I expect if you really study this you will find there’s a “golden ratio.” 2) activity - retail, restaurants, entertainment...
  14. Shepard

    Coronavirus and its Impacts on Urbanism

    I'm just astounded (not at all in a negative or bad way) that this forum continues as usual. Like, discussing new retail and restaurant openings, development proposals, etc. I'm usually the first to play skeptic about Very Big Changes Afoot, but truly my world has completely changed. Is it...
  15. Shepard

    Coronavirus and its Impacts on Urbanism

    I'm surprised to see we only have a short conversation going on this in the transit forum. I wanted to open it up to broader implications for urbanism and architecture in general. The radical changes to public life sustained over several months make me think that we might end up seeing some...
  16. Shepard

    Massachusetts State Flag (we need a better state flag)

    Oookay... I get branding, but all these efforts look like an exercise not in branding but in archaic symbology. Anyway, I'll shut up and let all you vexillologists get back to it
  17. Shepard

    Massachusetts State Flag (we need a better state flag)

    Why should I/we care about sub-national flags? This seems highly esoteric, and about as worthy of discussion as State Insect. I expect that flags meant a whole lot more in the early nineteenth century when state power was a good deal more abstract and governance relied more heavily on a shared...
  18. Shepard

    Wellesley Office Park Master Plan | William Street | Wellesley

    Oof. If any slice of land should be single family McMansions, this should be it. I can honestly think of no way to support density on Williams Street without a major reconfiguration of Route 9.
  19. Shepard

    Downtown Crossing/Financial District | Discussion

    Car-free yes, apparently, but it has a tram. It still functions as a surface transportation corridor. Above I wrote "A street without traffic feels desolate, detached from the city." The tram solves that problem. I know what you'll (rightly) respond: DTX has multiple subways below, so isn't...
  20. Shepard

    Downtown Crossing/Financial District | Discussion

    I understand the sentiment, and truly I can see both sides of this. But here's where I'm coming from: Washington Street is a street. Not a charming little alley with restaurants and shops like you'd find in Rome or - try this link - Seville. Notice how the scale here creates a vibrancy that...
