Search results

  1. P

    Citi Performing Arts Center: theatre of the absurd!

    My impression was that Shakespeare on the Common was shortened because of budget issues. I'm not sure where I heard/read that, but I know I did.
  2. P

    Rose Kennedy Greenway

    That looks more like the top of the exit tunnel to me. Maybe they couldn't plant on there?
  3. P

    Van's Moderation Policy

    Completely irrelevant to the discussion. Engage the arguments and avoid taking potshots at people and you'll be alright. You seem unable to do that, which is why so many people on here dislike you.
  4. P

    How Walkable Is Your Neighborhood?

    Where's McDonald's and Burger King?
  5. P

    Dental school eyes 5-story crown (Tufts Univ.)

    I dare say Scotty might be developing a sense of humor.
  6. P

    Cambridge Street

    They might be gas lamps. The lights in Charlestown are on all day because it's apparently cheaper to run them than to turn them off.
  7. P

    Neponset Village (Developer Pushes City Limits)

    I like it mostly. I think it's too big and the legislative body you propose is way too unwieldy. No way is that necessary.
  8. P

    Rose Kennedy Greenway

    As I understand it, Boston/MA's Congressional delegation were the primary American supporters of Armenians during the genocide.
  9. P

    South End Infill and Small Developments

    I don't like this project at all. It's so timid and uncreative.
  10. P

    Photo of the Day, Boston Style - Part Deux have some gorgeous photos on that website.
  11. P

    The Wiki Section Will Be Removed As of Aug. 1 2007

    Well that makes more sense then.
  12. P

    The Wiki Section Will Be Removed As of Aug. 1 2007

    If it's expensive and/or difficult to maintain, I can understand getting rid of it. However, I think the wiki is great. At the very least, the pictures stored there are worth it for me. Of course, I haven't done any work on it, so maybe I'm not the best commenter.
  13. P

    Most users ever online

    Is it just me or are the times for posts about 4 hours ahead? Maybe that's why we had so many people at 4am.
  14. P

    New transit authority to serve MetroWest

    Because Boston outlays taxes and services to every city and town in MA. Wayland would be nothing if Boston didn't exist.
  15. P

    [ARCHIVED] Harbor Garage Redevelopment | 70 East India Row | Waterfront | Downtown

    Floor Area Ratio, which is the usable square footage of a building divided by the square footage of the lot it's on.
  16. P

    Transit oriented developments in Boston

    I've never heard of a developer willfully limiting their potential market in such an extreme way. Why would they want to cut out the vast majority of potential customers by prohibiting cars?
  17. P

    City Hall Discussion - Redevelopment - Preservation - Relocation Interesting article.
  18. P

    Needham plans denser, livelier downtown

    I agree wholeheartedly. Blue Hill drives me insane for that reason. So much wasted real estate. Practically, that stretch needs to be better connected by public transit. Either that, or it needs to have a serious business district planted in the middle to make it self-sustaining.
  19. P

    Photo Tour: Beverly, MA. north shore

    I particularly like these two. Nice photos.
