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  1. LordStanleyCup2011

    Buildings I've designed.

    I use Sketchup but suck at it. Im deffiently doing some research right now on how to improve. Should I download more plugins?
  2. LordStanleyCup2011

    Vote for Lowell in the Google Model Your Town Contest

    How on earth do people do models like that . I suck really bad at Google Sketchup ;(
  3. LordStanleyCup2011

    Buildings I've designed.

    how on earth do you do this in Google Sketchup? Please Help
  4. LordStanleyCup2011

    Design a Better Airport

    how would this work though? You cant just build an airport in the middle of Boston Harbor
  5. LordStanleyCup2011

    Fall River, MA-- The rebirth of a mill town

    UPDATED MAP: *INCLUDED: New Streetcar Lines, Bike Lanes, Urban Boulevard, New Bridge, and more
  6. LordStanleyCup2011

    Fall River, MA-- The rebirth of a mill town

    An idea for a possible waterfront urban boulevard in Fall River
  7. LordStanleyCup2011

    Winnipesaukee Playhouse

    Thanks for posting this!
  8. LordStanleyCup2011

    Fall River, MA-- The rebirth of a mill town

    By this time (2050) The state will probably be looking to replace the Braga Bridge as well. The Bridge would be pushing 100 years old by this time.
  9. LordStanleyCup2011

    Should Boston build a Casino?

    ? I'm thinking you're being sarcastic so I'm not going to respond
  10. LordStanleyCup2011


    I made one for Fall River, since this is such a great idea.
  11. LordStanleyCup2011

    Fall River, MA-- The rebirth of a mill town

    Article about Commonwealth Landing on the waterfront. (near Battleship Cove)
  12. LordStanleyCup2011

    Fall River, MA-- The rebirth of a mill town

    All the street car lines all got magically deleted somehow. but the station markers are still there
  13. LordStanleyCup2011

    Fall River, MA-- The rebirth of a mill town

    I updated the map and added a view major things and made it easier to read. TAKE A LOOK!,-71.151237&spn=0.035318,0.084543
  14. LordStanleyCup2011

    Fall River, MA-- The rebirth of a mill town

    I'll be in high school at the end of this school year, so during the 2012-13 school year ill be a freshman. I think converting the brick mills into a museum would be really cool.
  15. LordStanleyCup2011

    Copley Place Expansion and Tower | Back Bay

    Re: Copley Place plan calls for condo tower I didn't mean to be rude ;( I'm sorry if I rubbed off that way :(
  16. LordStanleyCup2011

    Should Boston build a Casino?

    I think a better place for a casino in Boston would be at the Seaport in my opinion.
  17. LordStanleyCup2011

    MA Casino Developments

    A casino in Lakeville? Anyone else not able to wrap their minds around that!?
  18. LordStanleyCup2011

    Copley Place Expansion and Tower | Back Bay

    Re: Copley Place plan calls for condo tower lol I have no idea what you're talking about. The Stanley Cup is 33 pounds I don't know what your talking about on the second part lol?
  19. LordStanleyCup2011

    Crazy Transit Pitches

    This is exactly what I was thinking just added on more. Do you mind if I add on to this map?
  20. LordStanleyCup2011

    Crazy Transit Pitches

    Thanks alot, but I wanted like an actual map made by someone on Google Maps that I can add on too
