Search results

  1. #bancars

    Waltham Infill and Small Developments

    Kinda bonkers to me the city didn't upzone the area around Moody Street, the common, and the main CR stop:
  2. #bancars

    Union Square Somerville Infill and Small Developments

    Another observation in Tokyo--I saw dog walkers rinse off stuff their dogs peed on (e.g. bollards, fences, etc.) from water bottles they carried. Really wish that were the norm here...
  3. #bancars

    75 Morrissey Boulevard | Dorchester

    It's good this project will deliver more residential, but it sucks it is sandwiched between two highways. The localized air pollution there has got to be terrible.
  4. #bancars

    Union Square Somerville Infill and Small Developments

    Coming back from Tokyo last week really drove home how uninspiring and tame most holiday light displays in the Boston area are. They are few and far between here and usually just consist of simple static lights. In Tokyo it seemed every inner neighborhood had at least one massive showstopper...
  5. #bancars

    The New Retail Thread
  6. #bancars

    80-100 Smith Street | Mission Hill

    Update on opposition to the project:
  7. #bancars

    Graduate Junction (MIT West Campus) | 269-301 Vassar St | Cambridge

    This whole stretch of Vassar has become quite the attractive streetscape. The new sidewalks and cycletracks are great, as are the pedestrian cut-throughs over the grand junction tracks.
  8. #bancars

    Roxbury Infill and Small Developments

    Great photos and as always appreciate the addresses and unit counts. 373 Northampton Street seems more like South End?
  9. #bancars

    Kendall Common ( née Volpe Redevelopment) | Kendall Sq | Cambridge

    I've walked by (and over) this probably 50 times by now and never knew there was any special artistic purpose! Kinda assumed it was additional security infrastructure that looked prettier than the bollards. Cool spot, though I wouldn't recommend sitting or lying on the grass as the article...
  10. #bancars

    Metro photos from around the world

    Not exactly a metro, but I found the three largest JR Hokkaido stations all to be quite beautiful and functional on our recent travels. In order: Hakodate, Asahikawa, Sapporo. One of the neat things about JR is that they often operate hotels right above major stations (see first photo). We...
  11. #bancars

    MBTA Buses & Infrastructure
  12. #bancars

    Metro photos from around the world

    Recently had the opportunity to ride the Sapporo Municipal Subway in Sapporo, Japan. A rare example of a rubber-tire metro system in East Asia. Feels very old school, but the trains are frequent and fast and I think the underground wayfinding is quite good. At least one of the...
  13. #bancars

    Skylines and Developments of the US/World

    Passed through Hakodate, Japan recently and absolutely loved it. Beautiful winter city with a stunning surrounding environment (mountains / ocean). Twinned with Halifax, Nova Scotia, another port city with a rich maritime history and a star fort.
  14. #bancars

    Providence developments
  15. #bancars

    "Dirty Old Boston"

    From the Globe's Camberville newsletter today:
  16. #bancars

    Franklin Park - White Stadium Renovation

    Somehow the AP ran a story on this saga too:
  17. #bancars

    The Cove | Green Street | Worcester

    I probably missed this, but what's up with the Weintraub's sign? Is that just a nod to the former location on Water Street?
  18. #bancars

    Biking in Boston

    Drivers in Brookline anecdotally seem much more aggressive to me than Camberville or even the core of Boston, maybe just because there are fewer people cycling and the road design of the major corridors (Beacon, Washington, etc.) encourages them to speed. It's not great. I never feel...
  19. #bancars

    Metro photos from around the world

    While visiting Tokyo recently I had a chance to ride the Shonan Monorail, a suspended monorail that runs in Kanagawa Prefecture. It's a fairly short line that does an impressive job traversing some challenging topography. Also offers some nice views!
