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  1. H

    Providence developments

    That would be great. Providence could really use some new office space and it looks like maybe they are considering something other than knocking down the Superman Building.
  2. H

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    Sad to see the Homan's building coming down. Always loved it and thought they could rehab it with apartments and ground floor retail.
  3. H

    Reasonable Transit Pitches

    Also in Sullivan routing of busways so Broadway-going buses would go straight up instead of making a loop like they do now.
  4. H

    "Midtown"/Widett Circle in a non-Olympics Boston

    Very true, but they would have to be careful not to end up with a tower in the park vibe.
  5. H

    "Midtown"/Widett Circle in a non-Olympics Boston

    A large urban wild next to downtown would be beautiful and unusual (apart from maybe crime in a large trafficked space) but Boston can't afford to lose anymore building land.
  6. H

    Best North American Skylines - Ranked

    Hartford is a little too low, Providence is too. Not a huge skyline, but a never the less a gorgeous one (Superman, RI Capitol) Turks Head Building.
  7. H

    Hope Point Tower (Fane) | 250 Dyer Street | Providence

    Looks ugly when the skyline is only a couple blocks long.
  8. H

    Crazy Transit Pitches

    They could take one lane of highway for light rail in the center and build an El above it for the other direction tracks.
  9. H

    Hope Point Tower (Fane) | 250 Dyer Street | Providence

    Thank God. Maybe the developer will try his luck downtown where the tower should go.
  10. H

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    Man those are ugly.
  11. H

    City Hall Plaza Revamp | Government Center

    Re: Official City Hall Plaza Proposals They literally just planted some trees and called it redevelopment. It's not going to help the fact that the plaza is way out of scale with humans and needs to downsized. Trees will make it a little more digestible, though.
  12. H

    One Project, Only One

    Urban Ring/Real Silver Line
  13. H

    One Project, Only One

    They wouldn't.
  14. H

    Winthrop Center | 115 Winthrop Square | Financial District

    Not crazy about the name, but hey, it's finally going up, so I can't complain.
  15. H

    South Station Tower | South Station Air Rights | Downtown

    Re: South Station Tower Yeah better off to can them and wait for someone else who can actually get it done to come by.
  16. H

    Lowell Justice Center | 370 Jackson St | Lowell

    Re: Lowell 2015 update A little imposing and slightly totalitarian once you know it's purpose but from a distance it just looks like a normal office building and I bet the glass reflects the canal nicely.
  17. H

    Hope Point Tower (Fane) | 250 Dyer Street | Providence
  18. H

    South Weymouth NAS Redevelopment | Southfield | Weymouth

    I can't imagine this'll ever happen. Might end up something like Assembly if we're lucky, but I doubt the glassy towers, smart infrastructure and fake lake are ever going in. Too bad, would have been nice for MA to break ground in this area.
  19. H

    BU Data Sciences Center | 665 Commonwealth Avenue | BU Central

    Re: BU Data Sciences Center | 700 Commonwealth Avenue | Kenmore Square Pretty awful, in my opinion. Looks like a stack of cardboard boxes...making it boxy.
  20. H

    🔹 What's Happening With Project X?

    Or instead of it.
