Lowell Justice Center | 370 Jackson St | Lowell


Active Member
May 26, 2006
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Re: Lowell 2015 update

$31.5M OK'd for Lowell Judicial Center


LOWELL -- Finally.

Construction is expected to begin this fall in the empty lot where the city's new $200 million judicial center is planned.

Re: Lowell 2015 update

It's from last month, but the Lowell Justice Center has been topped off. This building is f'n massive. Easily the most visible building in the Mill City. I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, it'll be able to house other courts and consolidate them to one convenient place. On the contrary, a building of that size gives me the feeling that it'll just be a massive criminal justice factory with the poor, non-whites and disabled on the receiving end of a gavel. A courthouse shouldn't be this monolithic but it is.

The new Lowell Justice Center will provide state-of-the-art facilities for the Superior, District, Probate & Family, Juvenile, and Housing Courts of Middlesex County, according to officials.

The building will provide new space for the Middlesex County Registry of Deeds, District Attorney, and a resource center for self-represented litigants. The 3.

3-acre site will have 17 courtrooms. The estimated completion date is fall 2019.
Re: Lowell 2015 update

It's from last month, but the Lowell Justice Center has been topped off. This building is f'n massive. Easily the most visible building in the Mill City. I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, it'll be able to house other courts and consolidate them to one convenient place. On the contrary, a building of that size gives me the feeling that it'll just be a massive criminal justice factory with the poor, non-whites and disabled on the receiving end of a gavel. A courthouse shouldn't be this monolithic but it is.







Re: Lowell 2015 update

Impressive Judicial Center, that's one tall and massive 7 story building!
Re: Lowell 2015 update

A little imposing and slightly totalitarian once you know it's purpose but from a distance it just looks like a normal office building and I bet the glass reflects the canal nicely.
