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  1. N

    Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion

    Except that's not their M.O. A big part of their selling point is their hard product on this route and it'd be hard to find a comparable A321LR they could lease that would feature a cabin close to what they have. Plus the added cost along with all their existing operational issues at the moment.
  2. N

    New Red and Orange Line Cars

    It was fun while it lasted.
  3. N

    Bill Russell Bridge | North Washington St.

    I used them back in the fall when I was walking around before a Bruins game.
  4. N

    Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion

    Except the dock is floating out in the harbor. You need to take a ferry boat from land to reach it.
  5. N

    MBTA Construction Projects

    State and Municipal procurement for large contracts required a public bid process where the low bidder will receive the contract. There are a few mechanisms for the awarding authority to award the work to another bidder, but they do not get employed often as they are difficult to prove and/or...
  6. N

    MBTA Commuter Rail (Operations, Keolis, & Short Term)

    My wife used to commute in from North Billerica and would park there because it was fairly easy to access from 495. Eventually, due to scheduling and the lots filling up, she switched over to Anderson RTC. But to your point, most of that ridership was people driving in with very little local...
  7. N

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    If you're going to tout your work getting prepared to open the new station, at least have the presence of mind to take decent photos (or at least crop them) that don't show rust stains all over the concrete.
  8. N

    Cape Cod Rail, Bridges and Highways

    In an ideal world, we'd have a robust public transit system that gets people from the core urbanized areas in an around Boston to the Cape, along with a light rail system within the Cape itself. But we don't. And the fact remains that Cape tourism is a major economic engine for the state. And...
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    Blue Line extension to Lynn

    I had to re-read this carefully to make sure you weren't insulting me! 😁
  10. N

    General Infrastructure

    Baker, not you! ;) Relative to our governor, there's a general reticence and wherewithal to commit time, money and resources to a grand vision to improve our public transportation.
  11. N

    General Infrastructure

    Leave it to Charlie to create demand for public transportation while continuing to ignore fixing the system itself.
  12. N

    Logan Airport Capital Projects

    I had these very same thoughts when I drove in at 5:15am the other day.
  13. N

    Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion

    I flew HA BOS-HNL in August, FWIW.
  14. N

    I-90 Interchange Improvement Project & West Station | Allston

    Upon reading this news, I am very much content with the proposed solution!
  15. N

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    10 feet is what I've been using for a shared-use path with MassDOT design guidance for a couple of projects that I've been working on of late. That said, my paths typically include a grass strip between the roadway and the path and a 2'-0" minimum offset from the back of the path to any fixed...
  16. N

    Logan Airport Capital Projects

    Flew out of Terminal E last Sunday just as the storm hit, and snapped this photo from the airside.
  17. N

    Logan Airport Flights and Airlines Discussion

    I flew B6 BOS-SFO last month and it was my first flight since pre-pandemic. Most of my domestic flights are on JetBlue. The rest, along with most of my international ones are on Delta. For the money, JetBlue constantly provides the best value combined with nonstop availability. Plus, the free TV...
  18. N

    General Infrastructure

    1) Cost: It's cheaper to use asphalt out here 2) Lifecycle: With the freeze/thaw cycles and road salt, concrete just doesn't hold up as well out here. There's a reason portions of 495 were reconstructed in their entirety 20 plus years ago.
  19. N

    Gillette Stadium

    Mexico and Canada venues get some first round matches because that was part of the arrangement for the joint bid for the three countries. As for Boston (Foxboro), Bob Kraft has enough swing with the USSF that it would be hard pressed to not include Gillette as a venue.
  20. N

    Bill Russell Bridge | North Washington St.

    Concrete by nature is porous. Water, in turn helps hydrate the cement in the mixture and turns it concrete. The main concern with water is corrosion of the rebar. I would imagine that the rebar used was epoxy coated and cut edges were touched up before concrete was placed in the forms...
