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  1. M

    Biking in Boston

    That was my understanding. It sounded like they need to coordinate with utilities and/or other construction projects for the paving, but don't want to wait on that for the lane changes. I'm hoping during the interim the city can gather data and consider upgrading infrastructure, like maybe use...
  2. M

    Biking in Boston

    Coverage by Nicole Dungca on the Mass Ave meeting from yesterday: I was also there, and thought it went very well. The room was packed...
  3. M

    Brookline Infill and Small Developments

    No retail planned it looks like? It's right next to existing retail on Boylston and also a T stop, so it seems like it would be a good thing. Or does Brookline zoning not allow that?
  4. M

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    Didn't see this posted yet. Boston Globe article by Nicole Dungca about the inefficient warehouse service for the MBTA. Any insiders or T experts here who can shed more light on this...
  5. M

    Renovations to BPL's Johnson Wing | Back Bay

    The BPL has announced that the newly renovated wing will be opening on July 9: Via
  6. M

    MBTA Buses & Infrastructure

    Good post by Ari on bus system reorganization a la Houston and whether it's necessary:
  7. M

    Biking in Boston

    This isn't directly related to Boston, but apparently the FHWA just released new "controlling criteria" for roads that, among other things, should make it easier to add bike infrastructure to roads...
  8. M

    General Infrastructure

    Interesting discussion about today's transit signal priority meeting on Twitter:
  9. M

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    Interesting article about the T's procurement practices and how they are trying to update them in Commonwealth Magazine today: Apparently they are trying to import procurement practices from the MTA in NYC. Also...
  10. M

    Gov't Center Station Rebuild

    Someone on reddit apparently snuck into the construction site and took some pictures inside GC:
  11. M

    New England Conservatory Residence Hall | St. Botolph St. | Back Bay

    I agree. I walk by here frequently and it's impressive how large this looks from Huntington and Gainsborough.
  12. M

    City Hall Plaza Revamp | Government Center

    Re: Offical City Hall Plaza Proposals I agree. Here's an example of an urban amusement park in Tokyo:,139.7544115,3a,75y,333.2h,98.55t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sKk7Ehoj_DsuQ2qUVw58dXQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Note that it's situated right next to a park that...
  13. M

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    Boston Globe has an article about it now: I hope GLX commuters won't have to wait too long for their train in the winter if they go with open air stations.
  14. M

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    I don't think this bit of good news has been posted yet:
  15. M

    General MBTA Topics (Multi Modal, Budget, MassDOT)

    I didn't see anyone post yet about this legal issue between the MBTA and Amtrak: More information in the linked article. Anyone here have any more info on this? Is this really as ridiculous as it sounds?
  16. M

    Green Line Extension to Medford & Union Sq

    Interesting stuff in that presentation. Anyone familiar with viaduct design here? What's the advantage of using ballast in the original design as opposed to direct fixation or in using side-mounted catenary poles as opposed to center? (I assume there must have been an advantage or they could've...
  17. M

    Biking in Boston

    Saw some more commentary about the Brookline proposal on the net. Amazing how positive the reaction was. Wish I was there, but I couldn't make it so I just sent in an e-mail comment.
  18. M

    Biking in Boston

    This looks like progress, but what I'd really like to see is bike lanes for the eastbound side where there is pretty high cycling traffic every morning. The westbound side is decent up to Coolidge Corner. It's also too bad this proposal isn't actually contiguous with the existing westbound bike...
  19. M

    St. Gabriel Monastery | Washington St | Brighton

    Sounds like a great idea! Finding housing can be tricky for grad students due to the relatively low stipends (35k or lower is common) and desire to live near work without having to deal with undergrads. Also monastic living seems oddly appropriate for grad students. I was amused by this...
  20. M

    Fenway Infill and Small Developments

    The development plan document (available here from the BRA) for the Van Ness from 2011 also includes a plan for this building, 132 Brookline Ave. It claims that it'll be a "slender" 17 story building. (there are drawings on page 45-48) Not sure if that's the current plan, but I couldn't find a...
