Search results

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    Hancock Lighting

    It already has a great lighting feature every night at sunset. The sunset colors rise up and down the slit and create a wonderful look. I'll try to get a photo of it.
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    535-545 Boylston St. Redevelopment | Back Bay

    I was referring to this comment. "What about the Cornice Height of 200 Clarendon directly across the street"
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    535-545 Boylston St. Redevelopment | Back Bay

    Only the North side of Boylston is in the Historic District.
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    85 Essex St.

    It was the Edinboro Building on the 1938 Bromley Atlas. I found this write up in this BRA document "85-91 ESSEX, THE EDINBORO BUILDING, GEO. POPE, 1890 The Edinboro Building is a dignified 6xl0-bay brick and...
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    Does anyone know what happened to

    One of the people who was updating that site has just one a Preservation award for a new site that might be of interest to those who enjoyed the other site. The email address I had for the owner stopped working a few years ago.
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    What is this building in NYC?

    I wonder if it could be part of the Castle Garden complex. It looks like a glass house or greenhouse but I don't see mention of one as part of the immigration center. But, there was both the round central...
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    Back Bay Maps 1951-Present

    Back Bay Residential District: Guidelines for Exterior Rehabilitation and Restoration has a footprint map from circa 1971 on page 36. You can download a copy from: This is also residential but the...
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    Cheap Public Views of Boston from High Places (budget alternatives)

    WBUR just did a map of great views of Boston and I featured it as a Friday link on BostonZest.
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    Bizarre Highway Numbering Conventions

    For background purpostes, Wikipedia has a long entry on this topic. As does the Federal Highway Administration.
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    In search of the lost lion of the Kensington Building

    The Smithsonian has a folder of papers on Pope and a small collection of his work. You might try to contact a curator there to see what they might know.} Description of the folder, "may include...
