đź”· Open Thread

I'm beginning to understand why his "sleep, new york" forum is an online California City.
The cherry-picker in front is the best part. Every day a guy goes up and lights one more light.

I'm making my list of 5 top issues facing Boston from the point of view of development and growth.

This city sucks. It can be better than other cities yet is satisfied with being about the same. That's not good enough.

Things I'm most proud of are living in a state where gay marriage (sorry, "marriage equality") and universal health care are both guaranteed. Don't like it? Move to one of the other 49 states.

Also, I hate that argument. You can't say, "Hate big buildings? MOVE then." That's too simplistic. If you follow that stream of thought, you'd have people moving out of Boston because there's poor people, crime, and blight. We need to encourage people to stay here and to invest in their neighborhoods. I don't hate people who say we don't want towers on the Waterfront or in Copley Square or say we don't need homeless shelters on our streets; we need these people to stay here and pay their property taxes as well as go to community meetings and be apart of neighborhood associations. The only thing worse than them being NIMBYs is that they stop caring, at all.

I only know two things for sure right now: one, our city needs people in charge who will bring prosperity and growth and good quality of life to people who live in the downtown Boston Proper neighborhoods; and, two, Charlie Crist and Anderson Cooper are gay.
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Ok, I'm going to man up and ask. How to I insert a hyperlink into a word? many forums have a "link" button where you highlight the word you want to turn into a link and click the button and past the link into a text box and it becomes a link. However, I don't know how to do it on this forum and often insert lengthy, links at the end of articles or in parenthesis. Amy I missing something really easy?
the button you want is right above the text entry area, and looks like this:
Yeah, but, as I just discovered, that box only shows up if you have the correct setting in your User Control Panel. Go there, click on the "Edit Options" link, then go to the bottom of the page. Where it says "Message Editor Interface" you have three options. Change it to full "WYSIWYG" and save. Next time you go to thread, the Quick Reply will include some html options.

Well that sure could have saved me a lot of time, these past 1,900 entries.
Mine is set to "Standard Editor - Extra Formatting Controls" and I still have the button.
^Mine was set to "basic" so I didn't have the link button. Thanks a lot, it's going to be much easier now.
BB, you like CSS? Nice! Respect +100 points. Is this really how people party in the history park though?
Iams thankin Mr. Louis Sullivan Kennedy. BUT. Iam GIVING UP the ida of histry park for the ANTI-HISTORY PARK!!! With the nihilisticism on DISPLAYED for ALL to be seen. Iam also thinkin that the FILENES, Grenways and Citty Hall should be used for the remake of BARBELLA with the pretty girls and TRUTHER things with it being the GOOD for local scale economies:

Hey, crazy parties were Venice's claim to fame in the Renaissance. Boston could copy them, and maybe we'd have our own Renaissance.
Another conspiracy theory.

H'm, I'm sorry, I can't go through with
this, because it-I can't get it off my
mind, Allison ... it's obsessing me!

It-but it-it ... doesn't make any sense.
He drove past the book depository and the
police said conclusively that it was an
exit wound. So-how is it possible for
Oswald to have fired from two angles at
once? It doesn't make sense.

Alvy, stopping for a moment at the fireplace mantel, sighs. He then snaps his
fingers and starts walking again.

I'll tell you this! He was not marksman
enough to hit a moving target at that
range. But ...
(Clears his throat)
if there was a second assassin ... it-
That's it!

(Moving back to the bed and
lighting a cigarette)
Okay. All right, so whatta yuh saying,
now? That e-e-everybody o-o-on the Warren
Commission is in on this conspiracy, right?

Lyndon Johnson?

Then everybody's in in the conspiracy?

The FBI, and the CIA, and J. Edgar
Hoover and oil companies and the
Pentagon and the men's-room attendant
at the White House?

I-I-I-I would leave out the men's-room

You're using this conspiracy theory as
an excuse to avoid sex with me.
