đź”· Open Thread

I just watched Fight Club for the first time. I'm glad I didn't see it when I was 14, like everyone else seems to have done.

Is it ironic that I paid to see it from my couch with a credit card through On Demand?
Nah, it was a good game. If any team other than the US deserved to win it was them.
Fuck Canada.

Oh boo hoo, the US didn't get to add to its already towering medal heap, so let's take it out the country that cruelly denied that marginal benefit!
I'll give up 10 other medals to get the gold in men's hockey.
Early on in the Games, some writer on yahoo sports showed that Germany and Norway led the US in medals not awarded by judges. I'm sure that still holds now (along with Canada?).

(Not that I care either way about what is legitimate or who is "winning" the Olympics...not a big nationalist fervor kind of guy)

PS kennedy - I wish I could take credit for that textfromlastnight. Hellz yeah I streetview my way around Tokyo on the regular!
that GOOD ONE!!! he see it. Say he shoot missle at Commies in the CHILLY WAR. Not shooting COLD ones at clam bar
Snagged this from Dudeursistershot's Facebook page.

That is obviously a joke but I've seen a real mannequin wearing 3 popped polo shirts at a store before.
Solved the problem of wearing polos in winter.
Speaking of Canada:


This strikes me as a poorly constructed map. Perhaps I'm not reading it correctly.
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McDonald's shouldn't have been black, for one thing. And perhaps they should explain what territory dominance means. Highest density of franchises in a specific area, I guess?

Weird that Sonic absolutely raped Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.
