One some bad news two rehersal places, joined in one building, closed about a month ago in Allston, the sound meuseam and the other one, which I just called Rugg Rd. Rugg Rd was clutch for musicians just forming bands. I was recently practicing in there. The rooms went for 10 an hour and came furbished w/ shitty gear, but gear non-the-less. It was actually one of the most schitzophrantic buildings I've ever been in, with MK II arcades, stuffed animals, a real live Boa Constrictor, Medevil swords, and all other types of shit. The other facility was a montly rental and had flavor on par w/ all other urban post industrial reherasl facilities. I was wondering if any one knew why they had to close? There must have been plenty of fire code violations, but that didn't seem to stop them before.