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Throwback to archboston 22 years ago, when it was Skyscraperguy


More vintage web stuff. This comes from what may be the earliest Boston architecture/skyscraper website, Sky Boston, which I believe is where the SkyscraperGuy forum launched from.

Here's a Skyscraperpage-style png of all Boston towers 500 feet or taller from 2003


And here's what that website looked like


Link to the archive page:
I don't neccassarily agree with the current politics behind it but maybe the possibility of the JFK building getting sold will have a silver lining? I like the building but City Hall Plaza does suffer because of the federal security issues. The programming of the building needs to change to engage the plaza. The GSA / Tip O'Neil building could use redevelopment as well.

The Architect's Newspaper

GSA’s Public Buildings Service (PBS) Commissioner Michael Peters said the idea is to reduce federal building space not part of the Department of Defense by “at least 50 percent.”
Some of the buildings GSA may have to sell off include prized midcentury works by legendary architects. The John C. Kluczynski Federal Building in Chicago by Mies van der Rohe is a GSA property, and so is the John F. Kennedy Federal Building in Boston by Walter Gropius.
Nothing definitive yet but they are on the list - GSA, tear down the Tip O'Neil bldg, plan for a North station expansion for south station tunnel connection (much needed mobiliztion space too) for tunneling) Reddit conversation Save the JFK building but with a different program.
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I had the last comment on the first thread in that pic! Throwback!

Amazing. Do you remember why everyone jumped ship so quickly from Skyscraperguy to ArchBoston? AB lauched in March '05 and SSG was virtually dead by April, so whatever the issue was it basically meant this site cannibalized the other one in record time.
Amazing. Do you remember why everyone jumped ship so quickly from Skyscraperguy to ArchBoston? AB lauched in March '05 and SSG was virtually dead by April, so whatever the issue was it basically meant this site cannibalized the other one in record time.

This site was the replacement. It didn't cannibalize anything. I believe the person who ran Skyscraperguy stopped supporting the website for one reason or another (some combination of time and money). Archboston was launched to keep the forum going.
This site was the replacement. It didn't cannibalize anything. I believe the person who ran Skyscraperguy stopped supporting the website for one reason or another (some combination of time and money). Archboston was launched to keep the forum going.

Ah okay. 20 years out it seemed like SSG was perfectly healthy right up until it wasn't but I totally get the abandonment issue. Good thing we've never dealt with that again, amirite?!
