50 Herald Street | Chinatown / South End

Are the goalposts on wheels now?

6 minute walk to Tufts. This is a non-issue.
Agreed. As pointed out, this is a very short walk to the Orange Line's Tufts Medical stop. I used to catch the OL here everyday while commuting from the NY Streets Neighborood --> downtown. Super easy & convenient. Crossing the expressway is no issue at all. Silver Line is also a solid option and get's you right in the heart of DT Crossing. NO need for parking.
*If* the grocery store is going to make it into the new building then I'd mildly disagree on the need for no parking...that existing lot there is small, but it's often full and sometimes traffic backups in it even spill out into Washington Street. The customer base relies on it.

That's why I kind of think the store won't be going in if there's no on-site capacity...
*If* the grocery store is going to make it into the new building then I'd mildly disagree on the need for no parking...that existing lot there is small, but it's often full and sometimes traffic backups in it even spill out into Washington Street. The customer base relies on it.

That's why I kind of think the store won't be going in if there's no on-site capacity...
Don't they rely on the overflow of the garage across the street. Perhaps that just becomes the base parking capacity -- it is mostly empty on weekends when the market is busiest.
