50 West Broadway (former Cardinal Cushing HS)

Boston is usually eminently bikeable. Not today, though, at least not when riding westbound into the wind.

You can't exactly tell a city to rely on a form of transportation that relies on more or less perfect weather to even begin being comfortable and convenient.

At least walking I can hold an umbrella, and don't create additional wind.
Amsterdam and Copenhagen weather is far from 'perfect', but they're big on biking.
But they also have a cultural bias (and infrastructure) in favor of it. In Boston you're talking about convincing people to bike instead of drive, and you have to make the case that it's not some reversion to 19th century levels of comfort.
Amsterdam and Copenhagen weather is far from 'perfect', but they're big on biking.

Not only that, but go ahead and name all the big biking cities.... every single one of them is in a cold weather environment.
So CZSZ, is that to say there are zero bikeable cities in the US?

Have you seen one?

Not only that, but go ahead and name all the big biking cities.... every single one of them is in a cold weather environment.

Until a few years ago, all the truly big biking cities were in Asia.
A list of biking cities in the US usually starts with Portland, OR (never too hot or too cold, but often rainy) and Davis, CA (pretty hot in the summer)
Until a few years ago, all the truly big biking cities were in Asia.

Im talking about cities where the majority of the biking population does so by choice, not by need.

Beijing, Bombay and Delhi probably have more cyclists than the entire population of denmark and the netherlands combined, but most of them do it because of poverty.
