975 Boylston | Mass DOT Parcel 13 | Boylston & Mass Ave | Back Bay

Stefal -- Its interesting that in the drawing showing stuff in the area - - page 31 in the document -- no suggestion of anything located diagonally across Boylston -- the Big Elephant in the room -- aka Hynes

would be interesting to see a drawing for the Hynes showing Terra Firma the same as the drawing for the Viola

Hynes isn't sold yet or close to being sold.
Cortes -- the reason for

There just isn't enough roof to make any significant dent in the building's power demand.
Yes, I agree. It wouldn't power most of the building. But for real, we need outside the landscraper type thinking here. If even the top floor of the building could boast of on-site generation, I suspect that there would be interest.
I am excited to see this open space be filled in, but seems devoid of retail or street-level activity. A building is better than what is currently there (nothing), but seems like a bit of a dead zone in such an otherwise bustling area.
This. It would be much nicer on the Northeastern/Colleges of the Fenway campus as a dorm building. Here it does indeed feel dead.

Paywall at BBJ -- but basically the state is considering whether to float $30M to Peebles to begin the foundation for their project so they can align Pike lane closures for Samuels (P12), Rosenthal (Fenway Center), and Peebles (P13) all at once to minimize disruption.

If they do this and get all 3 going at once, it would be AMAZING!! Seems like a good bet to me.

Paywall at BBJ -- but basically the state is considering whether to float $30M to Peebles to begin the foundation for their project so they can align Pike lane closures for Samuels (P12), Rosenthal (Fenway Center), and Peebles (P13) all at once to minimize disruption.

If they do this and get all 3 going at once, it would be AMAZING!! Seems like a good bet to me.
OMG, this sounds like MassDOT is doing "planning". Clutches pearls and faints.

Sounds like a good time to test just how bad 3 lanes each way into the Pru Tunnel really would be (and how drivers react in the real world.) (Looking at you 1-90 viaduct replacement options.)

Paywall at BBJ -- but basically the state is considering whether to float $30M to Peebles to begin the foundation for their project so they can align Pike lane closures for Samuels (P12), Rosenthal (Fenway Center), and Peebles (P13) all at once to minimize disruption.

If they do this and get all 3 going at once, it would be AMAZING!! Seems like a good bet to me.

This is a great idea. It also potentially helps the MBTA, which would probably like some coordination with their platform-level work at Hynes.
Very smart if the state can actually get it done.
BCDC presentation:

Long description of all the reasons costs went up over the past few years on p.20. 1000 Boylston probably died during that process, but Peebles just made their building bigger. Lots of massing and floor plans here, but no photo-quality renders.

Not sure what they're planning that "community" space above the T entrance to be, but it looks like it could be a cool space.
All this pike air rights work is like a poor man's big dig, in the best way
The Viola project was mentioned in this article about Don Peebles, dated May 4, 2021.

The article is behind a paywall, this is what was said regarding The Viola:

On the East Coast, Peebles is developing Viola Back Bay in Boston. In 2015, Massachusetts transportation officials chose The Peebles Corporation to develop an air-rights parcel in Boston's Back Bay neighborhood, located partially over the Massachusetts Turnpike and a Green Line light rail station.

The firm is currently in the community engagement phase regarding land use for the proposed 432,000-square-foot, mixed-use development, which is projected to cost $512 million, Peebles said.

The project will have approximately 125 condominiums, a boutique lifestyle hotel with approximately 175 rooms, 20,000-square-feet of retail and a dedicated community space.
What??? Six years in, and they’re still in the community engagement phase?? This thing ain’t getting built by Peebles!
Thanks to @HelloBostonHi for their post in the General MBTA Topics thread, we finally have an update about the Viola.


I know this has already been pointed out by @Charlie_mta but I feel as if this thread deserves an update due to the scarcity of information about this project recently.
Wavy State Transportation Building
Wow. Hot take on the nose. I'd be lying if the thought didn't for a moment pop into my head before you said it. Despite that ACCURATE take on the aesthetic's roots, I really like it!

Paywall at BBJ -- but basically the state is considering whether to float $30M to Peebles to begin the foundation for their project so they can align Pike lane closures for Samuels (P12), Rosenthal (Fenway Center), and Peebles (P13) all at once to minimize disruption.

If they do this and get all 3 going at once, it would be AMAZING!! Seems like a good bet to me.

I assume this fizzled out?
