A request


Senior Member
May 25, 2006
Reaction score
Does anyone have that awsome Bowesst pic of all the Boston-area Google Earth images stitched together?
Mine just got deleted. :cry:
sorry, I dont, but I do have a ( sort of) relevant question: does anyone know, and can you explain to me, what live local is, and how I can use it or download it? I was on ssp.com and i saw some pics of cities and it looked sorta like google earth, just at a better angle...?
local.live.com is a Microsoft website, not an application to download. It works with Firefox, but not with Safari (last time I checked).
That seems to be the situation with Macs and Local Live, Ron. As a matter of fact, this site is the same way. When Safari loads a page here, the text and pictures disappear when the page is automatically resized.
Yeah, people cant view the board with Safari. It sucks, and it's one of the reasons Im trying to transfer the board over to VBulletin -- hence the new Paypal button. At the rate its going though, I wouldnt hold my breath.
I visit other forums with this software, such as Railroad.net, and only here do I have a problem using Safari. So I think it's just a configuration setting that needs changing.
Ron, it is an issue with the configuration. Specifically, Safari has a problem with the re-size-image modification that was added to the board. Before this was installed the board's layout would break whenever someone posted a relatively large image. I think perhaps that posters here are more prone to post larger images than those of railroad.net. I also think that hi-res images are a feature that most people really like about posts here. So, unable to find a better solution, I made a trade-off -- and one that Ive never really been particularly happy about, since I also own a Mac.

There is a very simple workaround, however. Just use firefox. I realize that many of the Apple faithful may find the idea of ditching Safari a bit sacrilegious, but what can I say? When the board switches over to VBulletin the issue will be put to rest for good.
If you've spent any considerable amount of time using one, you would see how silly of a statement that is, Dude.

And Briv, I agree on the "just use Firefox" thing; it's what must be done. But very few Mac keyboard shortcuts work with it, and I'm someone who likes to fly around the computer using the mouse as little as possible, hence I want to use Safari as much as possible.
I cant stand macs. its like trying to learn another language. at school when i would get stuck on a mac i didnt even know how to log off. there was nno start menu!
I've had experience with both Macs and PCs and can objectively testify that Macs have the most easy to use OS by far. OSX pretty much just lays everything out in front of you and looks great while doing it. I still have trouble finding my way around PCs, but hopefully Vista will make it easier. The only plus about PCs is that they have more software available to use, but that is fast changing with the new Intel Macs.
Has anyone tried running the Intel version (hacked) on a PC yet? I know there are ways, but I was just wondering if anyone has been successful? Not that I want to use OSX, but it would be neat.
Patrick said:
I cant stand macs. its like trying to learn another language.

It is like learning another language. I got mine not because I wanted one, but because Berklee requires all new students to get the same computer through their purchasing program. We got ours a week before returning students came back for the semester, and because I had no instructors or friends to tell me, I didn't know how to right-mouse-click for like 10 days! And the next few weeks were very much trial-and-error, too, but quickly you start to see how intuitive OSX is (much moreso than with Windows) and by a month later you're pretty much flying around the computer.

Having said that, I'm still up in the air as to which I like better. Macs are efficient and good-looking machines, but with PCs there is so much more software available that when I use my Mac I feel somewhat constricted.
briv said:
There is a very simple workaround, however. Just use firefox. I realize that many of the Apple faithful may find the idea of ditching Safari a bit sacrilegious, but what can I say? When the board switches over to VBulletin the issue will be put to rest for good.

I think I've already made this suggestion but it was probably lost in "the Crash". If you disable Javascript on Safari, the images will not resize and you can still read this forum in Safari (some images may be very large, however).

If you want to get fancier you can download Safari Stand, which has a feature called "Site Alteration". This gives you the option of enabling or disabling Javascript site-by-site.
Works like a charm, FastLane. I wish I knew about this a long time ago.
