Affordable housing along the pike

stick n move

Oct 14, 2009
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As I drive down the pike I cant help but notice the many mbta stops along the highway with essentially 0 development along it other than the new new balance complex. Further out from the city would make sense to build high density affordable mid rise apartments along each of these stops to add housing with easy access to the city. I have seen no proposals for this and I think its a good idea. They would be outside the very expensive core of the city but still within very reasonable commuting distance to south station. I think this could put a big dent in the transit oriented housing needs in the outerlying areas. These people would have easy access to transit but could also take the pike when need be.
There's a few things going up in Allston/Brighton, despite the city's insanely difficult approach to permitting development.

For the rest, simply name the towns that border the Pike, and you will have your answer.
Snob zoning. People from Newton and Weston don't want the kids of degenerates (people who can't afford million dollar houses) entering their schools :D. It's whats wrong with the hyper local governments that we have in Massachusetts.
Framingham tho...

Seriously, was just out at the Jack's Abbey Brewery. That area around the old Dennison Mill is crazy. You've got the old mill buildings, easy walking into downtown Framingham, and commuter rail stops. Plus, tons of low slung, single story light industrial, commercial, and parking lots just screaming out for some neighborhood-ization. Plus, tons of existing solid affordable multi-family housing. Add in good commercial space for startups without the $$$ for Boston, and larger spots for growing businesses to expand into, and a town government that's been open to business, plus increasing frequencies on the CR between Boston and Worcester.
