Amazon Office Tower I | 111 Harbor Way (Seaport Square Parcel L4) | Seaport

Re: Block L4 | Seaport Square

Not a bad sampler, IMO. Building might come out a bit dark but I'll hold off that judgement until its built
Re: Block L4 | Seaport Square

I really like the faux-industrial i-bean cornices.
Re: Block L4 | Seaport Square

Groundbreaking is today and this has an address: 111 Harbor Way.

Recommend renaming the thread to "Amazon Office Tower (Block L4) | 111 Harbor Way | Seaport"
Re: Block L4 | Seaport Square

It's a great view of Echelon/Nema/L2, but it won't be around for long...
Re: Block L4 | Seaport Square


Looks like the prep for the Tower Crane might be starting

I guessing a Crane sighting by Thanksgiving possibly even Halloween
It amazes me that so many Bostonians are angry that Boston embraced the expansion & 'big city feel' outward to these blocks that for so long had fallen into disrepair (waterfront or not).

These angry folks also overlook that the Seaport is probably sparked the renaissance of Ft Pt Channel.

What inspires the hate? i'm hardly qualified to ponder urban mob psychology (yes, i too-often insinuate that i do); Is it envy, or just deep rooted provincialism, small thinker-ism, mistrust of development 'tycoons' & big business, political hacks, Brahmins, leftist loons that cross classes, race, color, creed.... or a combination of all of the above??

Channeling my inner Corolla......

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It amazes me that so many Bostonians are angry that Boston embraced to expansion and 'big city feel' outward to these blocks that for so long had fallen into disrepair (waterfront or not).

These angry folks also overlook that the Seaport is probably sparked the renaissance of Ft Pt Channel.

What inspires the hate? i'm hardly qualified to ponder urban mob psychology (yes, i too-often insinuate that i do); Is it envy, or just deep rooted provincialism, small thinker-ism, mistrust of development 'tycoons' & big business, political hacks, Brahmins, leftist loons that cross classes, race, color, creed.... or a combination of all of the above??

Channeling my inner Corolla......

Never heard of this guy, though it might be a piece about amazon in the seaport, or how that area is developing.
Instead I got 3 minutes in to braindead rot.
Ignorant, rude, dumb, misinformed, misguided nonsense. This stuff makes America stupid.
A piece of friendly advice, steer clear of reveling in muck like this.
i've long suspected (Envy) to be a main ingredient the stew of all the hate for the Seaport.... Tom O'Brien's bullcrap the other day pretty much was the last straw! Quite contrarily: i think Adam Corolla develops the thesis fairly well--and for much of the Nimby Goonsquad in the Globe, the shoe crudely fits.

i could also be off. A violation of PC (or not): i'm never going to back off suspecting 'envy' to be a growing problem in our society.
i've long suspected (Envy) to be a main ingredient the stew of all the hate for the Seaport.... Tom O'Brien's bullcrap the other day pretty much was the last straw! Quite contrarily: i think Adam Corolla develops the thesis fairly well--and for much of the Nimby Goonsquad in the Globe, the shoe crudely fits.
you have a lazy simplistic and misguided view on why people might not be happy about the economic divide in America, much like the fella in the video.
I'm not inclined to spend more time on this, good luck.
