This is WAYYYYYYY off topic, but are you all aware that a major video game, Assassin's Creed 3, is going to take place in 1775ish Revolutionary War Boston? It's going to be like Grand Theft Auto Colonial Boston. Out sometime later this year...
This is WAYYYYYYY off topic, but are you all aware that a major video game, Assassin's Creed 3, is going to take place in 1775ish Revolutionary War Boston? It's going to be like Grand Theft Auto Colonial Boston. Out sometime later this year...
This is WAYYYYYYY off topic, but are you all aware that a major video game, Assassin's Creed 3, is going to take place in 1775ish Revolutionary War Boston? It's going to be like Grand Theft Auto Colonial Boston. Out sometime later this year...
I think I just came.
Here, we see Connor looking down at Boston Harbor. While much of the verticality in Assassin's Creed III will come from climbing trees, this shot confirms that the game will also feature plenty of the franchise's usual rooftop scaling. It also gives us a good idea of the type of environments we can expect in ACIII.
Wow, can't wait to play this one. I really enjoyed the first two games in the series (haven't gotten Brotherhood or Revelations yet) and think colonial Boston would make a great backdrop for the new storyline. Similar to GTA, RDR, and other open-world games, half the fun for me is just exploring the virtual cities [/nerd].
I'd like to see an open world game (think LA Noir or the original Mafia) set in 1890s Victorian Boston or in 1920s-1930s. The pre-urban renewal city in both eras intertwined with the political factions of the eras could be epic.
Sadly, no one outside of Boston cares about Boston history past 1900, maybe even past 1850.