BCEC expansion | Seaport

new underground silver line anything won't happen. I don't mind the rest of the concept, but is there any way you can get to 41 floors in that space. I thought FAA capped it at 250'?
30 stories isn't happening in that location let alone 40. Two 20-25 floor towers would be far more likely.
new underground silver line anything won't happen. I don't mind the rest of the concept, but is there any way you can get to 41 floors in that space. I thought FAA capped it at 250'?

There was a proposal several years ago to re-route the red line Broadway-South Station segment to include a stop near the Convention Center
new underground silver line anything won't happen. I don't mind the rest of the concept, but is there any way you can get to 41 floors in that space. I thought FAA capped it at 250'?

Choo - the underground Silver Line is unlikely although not impossible (it wouldn't be a full underground segment -- just an underground or under building station -- much as what is already in place for the shuttle buses

As to the height -- I think that back behind the BCEC you can go a lot higher than the Seaport Square and Fan Pier building heights

41 was just a hypothetical -- probably closer to 30 and somewhat fatter -- It looks as if 300 ft is OK in that general area so if it was built to the same spacing of floors as the Seaport Hotel (9'8" floor to floor) you could squeeze in 31 floors
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With BIO they keep talking about the need for expansion. I am all for it to be honest, even with the arguments about how much incremental convention business the city would reap because Boston is woefully underserved in the hotel space. And people only want to build high end $300/night plus places. 4700 new hotels would not only attract some additional large conventions, but moderate hotel prices by greatly increasing supply and make boston a more affordable place to visit when a convention is not in town.
^^^^Fuck the BCEC.............This just another 300Million dollar Taxpayers scheme to get the Union hacks working.

If there was money in the Convention Center businesses then let the private sector figure it out.

The entire Seaport/Fan Pier cluster fuck is costing the taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars plus more city workers with lifetime pensions are added to service the area.
When are people going to figure it out that GOVT spending is becoming a cancer to our financial freedom.
^ I didn't argue in favor of tax breaks. I support the plan. There is room to move on the means.

But I guess according to your I hate gov't in anything logic we shouldn't build anything else in the city because we may have to hire another trash collector or install a new fire hydrant and god forbid we pay the person doing the work!!! the horror!! It's a hundred degrees outside-- cool the hell off.
But I guess according to your I hate gov't in anything logic we shouldn't build anything else in the city because we may have to hire another trash collector or install a new fire hydrant and god forbid we pay the person doing the work!!! the horror!! It's a hundred degrees outside-- cool the hell off.

It’s not that I'm some sick Anti-Govt conspiracy maniac. We have just reached a point in society that I don't want the city designed, developed and managed by nothing more than GOVT bureaucrats on our hard earned taxpayer’s money.

That plan failed miserable under the U.S.S.R
We have just reached a point in society that I don't want the city designed, developed and managed by nothing more than GOVT bureaucrats

Baron von Haussmann would like to show you a little something he likes to call Paris.
If we expand the BCEC we'll be the USSR. I like this game. Rifle, what else will make us the USSR?
I agree 100% with you, Rifleman.

That's a very dangerous statement to make as you may forever be linked to Riff's Blunderbuss rantings

90% of the activity at the BIO 2012 was deal making:
a) between BIG PHARMS and small companies with drug portfolios
b) small companies and start-ups with one new drug
c) start-ups and universities with an idea

AKA Capitalism in action

Sure there were large Public Flashy Booths -- such as the acre of Germany and Lifecycle Massachusetts -- but even these for the most part were financed by the Private Sector

If the BCEC is expanded to accomodate an even bigger BIO 2017 -- it will of course spur additonal complementary investments by the private sector in hotels in the immediate surrounding area (more than $1M went to bus attendees to/from the BCEC this time).

But beyond the direct investment in building structures -- BIO and similar large events with direct benefits to the immediate economy provide an opportunity to showcase the HUB and the entire Greater Boston region in a way that a Mass booth next year at BIO 2013 and 2016 in Chicago can not.

Beyond BIO the next 12 months will bring other events to the BCEC with direct ties to the local economy including:
7/23/2012 - 7/25/2012 Global Business Travel Association Annual Convention 2012
9/9/2012 - 9/12/2012 AIDS Vaccine 2012
10/2/2012 - 10/3/2012 AdvaMed The MedTech Conference 2012
10/28/2012 - 10/30/2012 American Society for Radiation Oncology Annual Meeting 2012
11/7/2012 - 11/9/2012 JEC Americas - 2012 {Composite manufacturing such as used in the Boeing 787}
11/14/2012 - 11/16/2012 ArchitectureBoston Exp
11/27/2012 - 12/1/2012 National League of Cities 2012 Congress of Cities and Exposition
3/10/2013 - 3/12/2013 Int'l Boston Seafood Show/Seafood Processing America
4/10/2013 - 4/11/2013 UBM Canon - BIOMEDevice / Design & Manufacturing New England / Electronics New England 2013
4/20/2013 - 4/23/2013 Experimental Biology 2013 Annual Meeting
5/21/2013 - 5/23/2013 American Association of Critical Care Nurses 2013 National Teaching Institute & Critical Care Exposition
6/3/2013 - 6/6/2013 Cisco Partner Summit 2013
6/12/2013 - 6/15/2013 International Society for Stem Cell Research 2013 Annual Meeting

Each of those brings at least 5,000 high-level attendees and acres of exhibits -- Note there are big events (e.g. 8/5/2012 - 8/7/2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2012 -- 10,000 attendees; 11/25/2012 - 11/29/2012 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting 2012 -- 5,000 attenddees) which were not included because they are held at the Hynes since they don't need the floor space
^^^^^How do you compile all this shit data so quickly.
I know?
Whighlander is not really whighlander

whighlander is really the missing Ned Flatery.
^^^^^How do you compile all this shit data so quickly.
I know?
Whighlander is not really whighlander

whighlander is really the missing Ned Flatery.

Riff --- you google -- it's a techniogy now sweeping the developed world and a good part of the soon to be developed as well

It helps to have a reasonable memory of what you've seen previously so that you can filter effectively

But you are right whighlander is actually my dog

Remember on the Internet no one can know you are not a dog
I appreciate the warnings, but I am just not a fan AT ALL of unions. They had their place ~100+ years ago but now serve only to perpetuate mediocrity and make it increasingly difficult for the companies they infect to be competitive.
The BCEC surely brings a fair bit of economic activity to the city in general and it's immediate surroundings in particular.
I am not a fan of Dedham. This forum needs a black hole thread where all this nonsense can be banished.
