Books on Gun Safety...

Mayor Menino's Crohn's

Active Member
Oct 4, 2010
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So I was visiting my Mom and Sister last weekend. I asked her what they wanted for Christmas. My mother said that she wanted a gun. Needless to say, my sister and I thought that it was a joke. She said that she wasn't joking. She said that she wanted a gun to not only shoot squirrels off of her birdfeeder, but she also wanted one just to "show her support for 2nd amendment rights."

Now, apparently she had bought an airgun that we didn't know about. A little background on my Mom. She's not the "gun type." She's the typical Mom. Drinks Pinot Noir and Riesling and has parties with friends. She's like everyone else's Mom here. Which makes it more shocking when she says that she wants another gun.

To make a long story short, my folks are divorced. Her family hunts (they're also not from Boston). My Dad's very anti-weapon..etc etc. My Sister and I tried to talk her out of it. But I got an email from my Sister saying that she and her compromised on a BB gun. I was disgusted. BB guns are no more dangerous than a "real gun." We've all seen "A Christmas Story." I don't want my Mom to hurt herself...

So I need to get my Mom a book on gun safety. How to handle those things safely. Does anyone have any advice? Does Barnes and Noble have any books?

I'd recommend one of the NRA's publications AND ABSOLUTELY INSIST ON her completing one (preferably more) of their approved safety, handling, and familiarization courses before allowing her to even keep a firearm.

Pistols are incredibly dangerous in most people's inexperienced hands. If she is serious about learning about and keeping a firearm, I'd sincerely recommend learning on a rifle before taking additional courses on pistols. Ownership of a firearm isn't just a right, it is a serious responsibility. If a person can not safely handle, maintain, and store the firearm along with ammunition, they should not be be possession of a firearm.

All it takes is one absent minded or careless moment to cause a lethal injury, the compactness of pistols tends to exponentially increase the danger of an accident. I used to carry a Markov and two spare magazines holstered in the small of my back in combat. One day I needed to draw my pistol in a really frantic situation and damn near shot myself in the spine in the process.
That's what I'm thinking. Thanks Lurker. My Sister ordered her a gun from Walk-Mart online...b/c my sister doesn't want to be seen purchasing a gun.

Yupp, she says that she has a permit to carry. But she also has never taken a course on Gun Safety, she's only received "tips" on shooting accuracy from relatives.

She will be doing some reading on this. That's why I ask. I'll make sure of it. Thanks again Lurker. That's wild. I'm certainly glad that you didn't shoot.

Turns out I have two guns after all...My left and right arm!

If she insists on having a pistol, talk her into a Beretta 92FS. Shoots very nicely, easy to handle, too big for her purse so she won't be tempted to take it out of the gun safe you are buying her for Christmas. Right?
^^^I'll keep that in mind...

My mom and my sister already have permits to carry mase...which, while I am not for, I am also not against. Women need to protect themselves, and it hurts less than a taser.

She's really getting into the hunting thing. It started with the Squirrels, but now she wants to go hunting with her relatives. She wants to go hunting. Not even her boyfriend can say anything. He's uber-liberal and she's conservative on a LOT of issues. Especially this.

But I really don't want my mother to fuck around with this. She is going through the safety manuals.
