Boston is. NYC is.

Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

Bloomberg is also from Boston.
Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

BIGGER, too !!!

Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!



for various reasons I've gone through some months of not being able to laugh.

You've cured all that.
Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

Funny Statler, but why do you think a washed-up rapper driving his car in NYC has anything to do with this thread? You and the other mods on this board are always boasting about how you don't need a car in "the big apple" and yet you still need to pound your chest and show off how great NYC is through car culture.
Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

Actually, 50 is driving his car in L.A.

Ironically, he's shaking his head at the person from New York who is driving the smaller car.

Similar to how NY is bigger than Boston, and sort of just shakes it's collective head at Boston.

So, um, so your little "I hate mods" thing was kind of silly.
Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

armpits you've completely jumped the shark. BBred continues to be the more amusing troll.

Note this is still consistent with the hypothesis that armpits and bbred are the SAME PERSON.

also, I don't know where that 50 gif is from, but I was instantly reminded of this, uh, classic scene:
Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

...I don't know where that 50 gif is from...

Entourage, the episode either this past season or the one before it, on Turtle's birthday when he gets two cars and wants to get a job so he can stop mooching off of Vince...and then they all sit around and give each other noogies in the end.
Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

Bloomberg is also from Boston.

THIS being true as being I born in SAME hopital is MR. NYC Mayor!!! BUT, to add to the other points. NOT TROLLz, Mayor Bloom OR me. My name NOT Wishnik. Mayor Norfin NOT mayo of NY.!!!! NOT having the BIG pink HAIR. PLUS if PINK hair am mayo of Ft. Loderdale or Scot'sdale due to BAD rinse job at old person booty parler.

Iam addinf THE P.iS. here to this. yes IAM having 2PITS Mr BBITZ but THIS not one of THEM, so you no Shylock Homes here!!!.
Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

Who you callin' Shylock, bo'?
Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

You being Dr WHITSUN if you are wanting it.
Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

Oh, go jump off your precious "Bunker Hill Bridge"
Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

Well, I can say with certainty that Boston is cleaner than NYC.
Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!


Who dat? who dat? Who dat behind da komputhair writin dem PoSTs?
Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

"Boston is better than NYC!!!" ...... pathetic. Insecure much?
Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

Well hey at least we don't regularly call ourselves "the greatest city in the world". Talk about a big ego!
