Boston is. NYC is.

Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

I've never read a sentence in this senseless thread but I wanted to post this somewhere. Went and visited a girl I dated for a bit.. check these fuckin digs

I'm sure alot of you have been in similiar spots, but I haven't. I can't put it in words how fucking dope this view is from your bedroom. How could life be bad if you went to bed and woke up to this everyday? still hate NY, but no place in Boston can you find a few so spectacular. And this is with a terrible camera phone on a bad day. Unreal, really. At night its even better.
Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

Yeah. I agree. I'd be like, "My life is so awesome, I wake up every morning and see this view. Well, it was great every day except the one when my ex-boyfriend decided to visit ..."

Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

Hey Suffolk, you forgot to post a picture of the people that populate NYC...

Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

^ That would be a New Jersey specimen. They're safely pent up on the other side of the bridges and tunnels.
Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

Absolutely. I took this shot 1.5 years ago from Central Park. Something about it makes it look so....awesome!

Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

Imagine if the Common looked like that. Yeah, it would be terrible.
Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

it NO treetment Om the COMMON
Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

Damn that's an awesome view. Here's how it looks at a friend's place on the other side of the East River...not quite as inspiring, but kickass nonetheless:


And no, Boston isn't better than NYC. Perhaps we can have a moderator change the title of this thread so it doesn't lie? :)
Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

Absolutely. I took this shot 1.5 years ago from Central Park. Something about it makes it look so....awesome!

It's the uniform module of all those windows. They exactly identify the floor-to-floor height and give these buildings scale. And that scale is awesome, because you can see exactly how many floors there are and how many people live there.

These buildings are not wrapped in the scale-less saran of glass.
Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

Proper windows allow a building to soar, if you will forgive the expression.
Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

We both forgot to mention the harmony of all those buildings using the same notes to create subtle variations on a theme.

Some buildings stack the windows in dense and rigid, columns, some wobble the columns a bit, some vary the windows themselves a little.

Here and there a building will gather a few into a stack that hints at superscale; others spread them like wallpaper over aspirational forms with setbacks; and yet others celebrate with a party hat plopped on top.

It's always somewhat New Year's Eve.
Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

That photo is a case where regulation and the profit motive worked well.

Planner: "You will step back your building to increase light at the street."
Developer: "What's smaller floor plates worth to me, pal?"
P: "More height."
D: "Spit and shake on it, bub".

But later, curtain wall technology means more profits, good bye setbacks, goodbye windows as we knew them! Oh well...
Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

And I was there to see it! What a great pairing the Manger and the Garden were! (And I am expecting a phone call from Mr. and Mrs. S. Pile enquiring about a defamation claim against you for your comparison.)
Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

I was in the crowd too, Toby. I have about 2/3 of a brick on a bookshelf.

I'll PM you if I need legal representation.
Re: Boston is better than NYC!!!

I've said it a million times: get a developer to clone the facade of the Garden on that parcel in front of the New Garden, with a nice big building behind it. Hotel attached to arena (perfect for the visiting team,) restaurants, residences, offices, whatever.
