Depends if you mean a real brownstone or the row houses people mistakenly refer to as brownstones.Is there an actual brownstone in that area?
Is there an actual brownstone in that area?
I went through the Bromley atlases for Bay State Road -- it looks like the intervening lots were laid out but never developed. The 10 defined lots around 250 Bay State were owned by Lillior Nutting, but undeveloped (existing row houses were there on both sides), until they were owned by the BU Trustees, some time between 1917 and 1928.Center of this image is the building I mistook for the site. This building is going to be on the adjacent parking lot.
What is interesting is the brownstones in the background actually match the one in the foreground. And they have party walls. Theres a mysterious gap between them, where the parking lot is.