Boston's high-tech scene


Active Member
Nov 5, 2008
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I've been following the high-tech scene a little bit, and I wanted to hear what your thoughts were on Boston is doing in this department. The talent pool is there, but I've read now that the culture of risk tolerance is starting to get better, backed by a growth in investment capital, access to a big pool of experienced talent and leadership/mentors, and an ever-growing ecosystem. Is this true? Has Web 2.0 help give entrepreneurs, talent, and investors a new approach?

(Full disclosure: I'm an aspiring entrepreneur myself, looking to launch a online-based company. I currently live in NY state, but I always been intrigued by Boston.)
Based on what I've seen, heard, and read, it seems Boston area is #2 in the country for entrepreneurship in high tech, "green" tech, and information systems. #1 being Silicon valley, I guess. But Boston, in my opinion, is a way more awesome place to live and work, and all it comes down is your preference in weather and to what degree your preference is. There's been articles which seem to imply Boston is closing in on #1 as the best place to start up in tech. Mark Zuckerburg, the FaceBook guy, recently said he wishes he kept FaceBook in Boston had he known then what he knows now.
^ Except Facebook has decided to open its massive new engineering office in... NYC. I'm guessing whatever 'Zuck' said was taken completely out of context by the homer Boston media.

UrbEx - note that it's not comparing Boston to Silicon Valley. It's comparing Boston to SF and the entire Bay Area. Reasonable people can disagree on that, but the Bay Area clearly has way more going for it than weather.
I actually thought NYC, with it's massive push and recent success of start-up companies, took over the No. 2 spot.

It's all about the ecosystem. The two things I heard about Boston is the lack of funding and a low risk-tolerance.
