Boynton Yards | 99-101 South/808 Windsor | Somerville


Senior Member
May 6, 2007
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I had thought we had a thread on this, but I've searched a bunch of ways and found nothing. 03 - Updated drawings 12-06-18.pdf

Building 2 has been revised. Used to be black, now it's gray and glass because... of course it is. These drawings do a nice job of speaking to the 30-year plan for the area, though, and how these buildings will fit into it.

boring lump of a building.
Doesn't instill much confidence when they cant get the route of the GLX right on their very first image. (it seems to be on McGrath Highway)
boring lump of a building.
Doesn't instill much confidence when they cant get the route of the GLX right on their very first image. (it seems to be on McGrath Highway)

Good eye, that's definitely McGrath. But I also agree with all of the criticism of this boring building as well.
What on earth are all those people doing on that lawn next to the parking lot? Is someone throwing a party? Pages 15 & 17.

Are people standing in the snow on page 12?
It would be very difficult to be at all interested in this building. The driving principle for the facade seems to be, "mullions are good, so more mullions is better, and many mullions is best."
At the NAIOP "Somerville Surge" event this morning, the panelist from Leggat McCall laid out a little bit of a plan for the rest of this site. They (and their partner) actually own more than I realized - everything north of South St between Harding and Windsor with a couple cut-outs. They still plan to do the other initially-proposed lab building next, then a "residential project" on the rest with a public green. On the render, it looked like the green will be on the west side of Earle at South. Somerville has already discussed straightening South St through the junkyard to Windsor.

Ideally, they'd then punch it the rest of the way to Webster through parking lots, side alleys, and redevelopment projects. An Earle St underpass and connector through the Target site was also included in the City's long-term plan.
At the NAIOP "Somerville Surge" event this morning, the panelist from Leggat McCall laid out a little bit of a plan for the rest of this site. They (and their partner) actually own more than I realized - everything north of South St between Harding and Windsor with a couple cut-outs. They still plan to do the other initially-proposed lab building next, then a "residential project" on the rest with a public green. On the render, it looked like the green will be on the west side of Earle at South. Somerville has already discussed straightening South St through the junkyard to Windsor.

Ideally, they'd then punch it the rest of the way to Webster through parking lots, side alleys, and redevelopment projects. An Earle St underpass and connector through the Target site was also included in the City's long-term plan.
Nice. Any updates of merit from the Cambria Hotel folks?
This is why I'm bummed I had to skip that NAIOP event this morning. I was signed up....
I like how the presentation has a render of the building after a snow storm. Maybe a bit risky, but it is New England.
Can someone rip these renders it crashes every time I click the link and I havent even been able to scroll enough to see them.
I wondered last week whether Legatt McCall owned the Gentle Giant site... now Steve Adams tweets that they've purchased it.

That essentially makes Boynton Yards into a master-planned development under a single owner/developer.
